41 | Last Dance

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    It's been a week from that cave accident. All the people's across Qishan celebrating the third-month fest. The evening skies of Qishan blended with the colors that felt cold to the eyes such eyes orange, magenta, and navy blue scattered to the horizon.

    And the guards around the palace were wasted and inattentive because all the remaining major sects accepted their defeat and came to Wen Chao's coronation for the treaty.

    Wei Ying had been still missing...

    Nie Huaisang and Jin Zixuan found the tunnel inside the lake and dragged the cultivators who tried their strategy for survival along with Jiang Wanyin, who had been in a coma til now.

    They returned to Qinghe and told the word to word story to sect leader Nie, Nie Huaisang's brother, Nie Mingjue. Meng Yao had been a bridge to the broken links of the sect. He had been medium to their communication.

    That's why they were, all the important persons of the sect were here that includes. Lan Qiren and Lan Xichen from Gusu Lan sect, Jiang Fengmian, and Jiang Yanli from Yunmeng Jiang sect, Nie Mingjue from Nie sect, and Jin Guangshan with Jin Zixun from Lanling Jin sect. Etc.

    One could saw a bags under Lan Qiren's eyes because he had been restless these days juggling between political matters and two missing nephews, unaware because he wouldn't be allowing them to stay in hell of Qishan and these devilish people. Wangji's father had been on his death bed and...

    Lan Xichen keeping this secret of Lan Wangji and Lan Qingshan with put the stone in his heart. He had updated about their condition from time to time.

    Jiang Fengmian had the slightest idea of this situation and the second generation owe him an explanation. He cared about Wei Wuxian too, that toddler used to come Lotus cove with his mother and father, spend the days with Jiang Yanli and Jiang Wanyin. When the Cangse Sanren and Wei Changze went to night hunt with the boy they never returned. Then he saw that boy in the Cloud Recesses, shining like a diamond among all. Glorious than his mother and father together, the boy he was seeing after 15 years, was the product of Wen Rouhan's nurture he later knew.

    Nie Mingjue always had been the good side of Lan Xichen and Meng Yao for the sake of their sworn brotherhood, he had to be here to hollow the palace from inside with his Baxia.

    Meng Yao convinced Jin Guangshan by feeding his greed to be emperor and Jin Guangshan fell for the offer was simple as that no attachment.

    They were sitting at the royal court on the respective sitting arrangement after the formalities such as lined up to greet the emperor, bowing, and present the token of the treaty of peace between all the major sects. Wen Rouhan pleased to humiliated them, kept them waiting in line, or asked for a proper apology like kowtow to drop their pride and show their sincerity.

    After taking the seats, everybody waited for the arrival of the crown prince.

    And Wen Chao came to the door of the royal court on the red carpet with all his glory in pale yellow robes with the Sun and dragon embroidered on chest and back. He raised a hand to the side and another hand joined him to walk hand in hand.

    Only the people who lived under this roof knew who had been this person with red robes and the Sun and Phoenix embroidery on the robes, everyone assumed it must be a female because of symbolization and physic.

    Wen Chao had been on cloud nine tonight, Huawang had accepted his proposal, what else did he want now. Meng Yao gave his throne to him because he loved a commoner and bring him to the palace and have a normal life as he used to do. Wen Rouhan had no objection to that. So he thought himself the luckiest person alive.

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