34 | deal with the devil

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    Why it had been so painful...

    "Ahh, " Yibo hissed, feeling pain all over his body, How long he had been like this? His body pressed against the stone surface, vision still blurry along with headache, the heart beating properly against his chest, that meant he had alive somewhere dark, in silence. His throat clenched due to thirst, he licked his lips temporarily not knowing how long he would be going to conscious.

    The rattling of shackles on his limbs brought him to reality, the iron bars came to view, the light from wooden torch had been blinding him. Apparently, he moved his limbs but it aches so badly and the realization stroke, the golden core was no longer course through his veins...without it, he had been nothing...

    He heard the footsteps were approaching the cell he had locked up, again rattling of keys and cell door opened and entered the short man with a plastered smile. Did he even smile on funerals? Didn't he had morals?

    Meng Yao arrived when a prison guard delivered the message of Young Master Wei had made a move. (Yibo will be called Young Master Wei because he related to Wei Wuxian, from Wen's side)

    "I'm glad you're fine, Young Master Wei!" And he genuinely had.

    Yibo comfortably moved and sat against the wall as he had been scanning and adapting the surrounding. The prison guards were outside the bars and back facing him and Meng Yao, the foxy had alone with him, had been standing next to him. Honestly, he had disgusted with his face.

    "Why do you care? Aren't you ashamed of what you did? don't you fear heavens? Let me tell you...Zewu-Jun had been watching you...how he had been feeling when your family attacked his Gusu Lan sect, his own lover... I won't say ask yourself in the mirror, will you ever able to meet his eyes, even ask for forgiveness," Yibo said, had been observing his expressions. He knew the matter of fact, Meng Yao had been a manipulating person and he had been in an affair with Zewu-Jun for a long time.


    Meng Yao imagined Lan Huan's face, Yibo's words stirred something inside him. He had been there when the Wen's attacked on Cloud recesses. Would he have made a difference? He didn't dare...

    Got him, Yibo's mind said to him, had been watching, Meng Yao quivered in fear.

    "I don't know...because I'm not him," Meng Yao answered. He had been manipulative for nothing..." I didn't do anything wrong...I'm not wrong, I will never be..."

    Yibo read him thoroughly then changed his strategy, He had the burden for everyone and needed to get out of here as soon as possible, might be dead or alive, he didn't care.

    "You are good at playing words, aren't you? You had been using Lan Huan against me? Do you think he will leave me and I will be broke then you are wrong. We are in the stage where he can leave the Cloud Recesses for me and I can leave Qishan Palace for him. I have to admit, I almost fall in your trap."

    Yibo cussed him out.

    "Then Why don't you leave it? What is all this for? Does he ask you? Cloud Recesses could have welcomed you with open arms as they approved Yiling Patriarch and Hanguang-Jun, What will you gain? But what you did to me after that it is impossible to see you as they had seen you before. After all... it's all for nothing. You hadn't ever loved him though... You hadn't cared for him, You hadn't thought of him, bloody narcissist."

    Meng Yao frowned yet he composed himself and smiled again, although he looked creepy.

    "Then let me ask you what is bad about being a narcissist?"

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