28 | Spell bound

338 41 1

Making sure, Wangji under the treatment of the expert physician in Jingshi, Wei Ying stepped back from the bed, kissing Wangji's forehead, filling his eyes with the face of fatigued beauty, softening for a bit and turned his heels towards his brother-in-law, standing in the doorway.

"Zewu-Jun, Lao Lan,(nickname for Xiao Zhan)" Wei Wuxian said with courtesy. "We should talk outside..."

As three of them stood in the empty pathway, watching the tip-toe cloud recesses yard. Lans really couldn't stand dirt, clean freaks.

Zewu-Jun apologized, " Young master Wei, Lan Lan(one more nickname for Xiao Zhan) it's my fault, I should have persuaded A-Yao at least, tried to negotiate!" Meng Yao's dark side shocked him as much as others.

"... They needed a shield to save their filthy lives and unfortunately, Xiao Bo, Wen Qing, and Wen Ning gave them one. I'm afraid-" Wei Ying swallowed his words as glaring Xiao Zhan was watching him with an intensity that his every movement was being calculated.

His attention diverted when the shadow lurking on the dark wood floor. A maiden voice whispered into his ears.

"A-Cheng! Why don't you join us? Behalf of standing there listening to our conversation silently."

Wei Ying urged Jiang Cheng, indeed he was there, stuck on the wall of the corner on another side.

"Who was listening to your blabber, I'm here to inform you, father wanted to see you at the conference hall... Everybody deserves an apology for causing inconvenience, make sure you ask for it!" He threatened with sending a murderous look.

"Alright then Young Master Wei, my bad brother in law, if you're done please dropped by Hanshi, we can discuss your departure to Qishan."

Zewu-Jun said, bowed to Young master We Ju and Young master Jiang and looked at the Lan Lan with expectation.

Xiao Zhan copied.

Wei Wuxian and Jiang Wanyin bowed in return before leaving for the conference hall first.

In the conference hall, where everybody gathers, slacking themselves after a dreadful battle.

Behalf of Lan Qiren as the head of the family Qingheng-Zun was sitting on the higher seat, snapping from the reverie as the future son in law and another brother of a son in law entered through the threshold with an apology written all over the face.

As two of them walked strode further, quite in the midst. The undeniable whispers rose up.

"Respected sect leaders, the harm caused by my sect, I, Wei Wuxian, behalf of Wen sect apologize." He bowed and his soldiers who were tailing behind followed up his actions. Their leader had always been this polite, admirable.

Qingheng-Jun seemed unreadable as usual, were the other two major sect leader was confused with the matter of fact.

"There is no requirement of apology, Young Master Wei, besides you were not the responsibility of others' actions." Wei Wuxian nodded on that. He understood, he felt guilty because only he knew what lies under the snow, they would be killing him if he said so.


"I have to make an announcement, may I?"

"Sure, please... Go ahead, Young Master Wei."

"I know my father, I'm sure, he is not something that will sit mourning for his son's death and plenty, he will definitely bite back and three major sects must be prepared. They have the gems that closer to me, that bind my hands, I may be inadequate during the time, You have been warned now I should be set for the departure to Qishan, Emperor requires my presence."

Wei Wuxian looked into the eyes of his father in law, communicating. Qingheng-Jun nodded, Wangji would be safe.

Wei Wuxian dropped by Hanshi, before entering, he heard the stifled sobbing as he burst in knowing, Jiang Cheng was lurking behind from the great distance.

Xiao Zhan was sobbing uncontrollably. He was even spitting blood. Feeling it against his fingertips, smearing around his filled lips and the bone-breaking pain. He remembered the possibilities when they were getting bonded together, one for life. " If we did this if I'm in danger or you, I or you feel the same If I die! You will too!"

That means...

"Zewu-Jun! Please do something!" Wei Wuxian held Xiao Zhan by arms, panicking, while the elder Lan sends spiritual energy through the index and middle finger to the center among brows.

"Let him be! He is spell-bound!"

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