Dates and Laughing

153 24 12

Kane's POV

         "Where are we going?" Dillan asks me again as we walk beside each other and I look at him from the corner of my eye.

          "Asking me isn't going to make me answer you faster." I tell him and though I'm pretending to be upset and over him at the moment, I actually find his childish impatience adorable.

         "Well, why not?" He asks and I have to resist the urge to laugh.

          I turn to the left, heading inside a park that's down the street from my house. "Because that would erase all the hard work I had planning this. So we're going to go and you're going to be surprised." I tell him and he mocks me under his breath, clearly not happy with me.

          It's been two days since I got asked to plan a date. And it was fucking hell. Trying to find somewhere neat to do that didn't require me to drive him or shower off just how much money I had was a pain in the ass. Until I went running yesterday morning and I came across this trail and what lies at the end of it.

          As Dillan and I walk beside each other, I find myself staring at his hand, wondering if I should go for it. But before I can do anything, he's snatching mine into his hold and muttering under his breath. "Pussy."

          And as tough and mean and he tries to be, I don't miss the blush that raids his cheeks once our hands are touching, holding on to each other as we walk.

           To the right of me there's a beautiful bamboo mini forest, you can see in between the trees and the sun is beaming down on the plants making them look like they glow. One the other side of Dillan, there's geese and ducks that are waddling around, eating whatever it is they find in the ground.

          Here in the middle of this park, there's no signs of traffic, no loud noise of the city.

          There's only the soft temp of our feet along the soft trail and the sounds of nature all around us. I used to go on walks with my nanny and I loved them. I don't know why I stopped as I got older.

          I guess my family left more of a mark than I thought they did.

          "What are you thinking about?" Dillan asks me and I turn to him with a soft smile.

           "About how I lost touch with nature. I go running almost every day but I didn't notice this place until yesterday." I tell him and he seems to think about it a little bit.  

          "Everything is so fast paced in the world. It's all about going somewhere or having something to do. There's never really time to go chill and reconnect unless you make time." He says and I agree. And then I take one last turn and we're walking in the grass to a nice sweet gazebo that's sitting on the edge of a lake.

             "This is somewhere you reconnect." I tell him and he doesn't say anything but when I turn he's looking at me with a confused look in his eye before he shakes his head and looks around a little bit as I lead him inside.

          In the water at the end of the small cabin like structure, are small animals giving us our own kind of show.

           I feel Dillan come up beside me as we watch as the tadpoles swim around. There's a turtle that's climbing on the rocks and a sweet like duck that must have wandered away from it's mom.

           It's quiet and peaceful and the air feel so big. I guess that what makes me open up my mouth to speak. "Before my mom got with her husband now, the two of us were super close. She supported every single ounce of any dreams or plans I could think of even when it didn't make sense. After she got married all of that changed. She bonded with my step-sister and the two of them went on to worry about image and status. All the important things that came with having money."

            I turn around to sit down on the bench, Dillan following my lead. And for once he's quiet though I can tell he's paying attention.

           "I told her about my dream to be a boxer and she hated it. She told me I couldn't do it. That it was dumb. I should do something more practical like be a doctor or a lawyer. Something that would bring more pride to her husbands name. I moved out but it still isn't enough. They still call around or show up to try and convince me to let my dream go."

             I close my mouth, not ready to talk deeper about it, and I don't feel pressed to. I feel Dillan's hand that's still in mine give a warm squeeze.

           "Some people forget that our life is ours and that if they don't live it, it's not their choice. I think you would be a great boxer." He tells me and I look over at him with a smile.

            "You think so?" I ask him and he nods his approval making me smile as we sit there with each other and feel the sun on our skin and the peace in the air.

See all the relationships are coming together. Whew Im so tired i'm ready for this nap. I'm going to go edit before I start posting. Don't forget to go vote. I love you guys!



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