Dinner and Bitterness

118 19 14

Dillan's POV

"Why are we having dinner with them again?" I ask Kane trying to understand for the life of me why Kane would invite his sister and mom over to his house knowing just how little they support his career.

"To invite them to my match. Maybe if they see how good I am, they'll finally get off of me about becoming a stupid lawyer or doctor." He tells me as he cooks some of healthy food that actually makes the kitchen smell good, my mouth grumbling at the thought of eating, even as I tell my very stupid man how dumb his plan is.

"Or, and hear me out, they may just think it's more stupid and will use any mistake you make against you. Those aren't healthy people to have in you life." I tell him but I know he's not really listening to me.

"Things will go fine. Be good for this dinner. I know they're asshole but we have to be better then them." He tells me and I scoff. I haven't seen this side of Kane, vindictive and set on proving himself to a family that has already proven that they don't care about him or his dreams, only his image.

"Be good? I'm not a dog." I tell him and he stops what he's doing to turn around, coming around the island to hold my cheeks softly.

"I don't think you are, baby, but this means a lot to me. I want to be able to tell them to stuff it because I'm good at something they never thought I would achieve in. And I want you here with me when I do it, but if we clap back at them or anything, they're only going to use it against me." He tells me, his green eyes begging me to comply. "Please baby."

I groan as I give into his stupid puppy dog eyes and the way the food smelled so good there's no way that I will be able to pass that up. "Fine. I will be here and I will do my best to not out bitch them even though I could do it easily." I tell him and I ignore the way he delivers kisses all over my face, cheeks, nose lips i'm thank you even if I love when he attacks me like this.

"I'll pay you back tonight." He promised me and I quick my pouting as soon as I hear the words.

"Pay me back? With what?" I ask him, excitement running through me and he smirks, knowing that he has me hooked now.

"I won't tell you, but make sure you shower good tonight." He tells me and I feel my cock begin to stir as if Kane is addressing him personally.

"That's all you had to say." I tell him with a roll of my eyes and he laughs before planting one last kiss on my awaiting lips.

I sit and keep him company with another half hour as he continues cooking until I finally have to go and shower and get ready much to my annoyance. I keep a lot fo my stuff here at his house and though it's slow going, he has continued to help me get comfortable with driving again.

I can't drive a car myself but within the past two weeks I've been able to get all the way up to sitting in the back seat as he drives down the driveway and turns to drive back up.

Baby steps, but steps in the right direction.

I hurry to get ready and just as I'm putting on cologne and pulling my shirt over my head, the doorbell rings. Hopefully the two do them have learned some class since the last time I saw the two of them.

I walk down the stairs just in time as the three of them, with Kane in the lead walk down the hallways and back towards the dining room where I stand. Because of course, Kane had to go all out to impress the two of them and go an extra mile that they don't even go for him ti support what he does for a living. I try to curve my thoughts however as we all get introduced, officially for the first time.

"Mom, Ashley, this is my partner, Dillan." Kane and I have agreed on what we are yet, a conversion that we keep skating around, but hearing the word 'partner' fall from his lips makes my cheeks hera up in an unexpected blush.

The two don't move to shake my hand and neither do I, but unlike them I make an effort to at least appear friendly with a smile.

"Nice to meet you." I tell them and while Ashley says nothing, hit mom at least makes the same attempt I do. After the introductions we find ourselves sitting at the table, a large spread of food before us, all of our plates full and beautiful, another thing I adore about Kane: his cooking skills.

"Are you not hungry?" I ask the two. Thought the food looks, smells and taste amazing the only thing they've done i push it around their plate, not even trying to appear as if they're eating it.

His mom folds her hands into her lap before pursing her lips at me, making a face that scream that she's too prim and proper to eat an actually home cooked meal, regardless of her son learned from the same people that fix her food.

"We ate before coming." She says and I almost lose it there.

Because you don't eat before you go to a dinner unless you're lying or you don't trust the food. As if he can feel my temper rising, Kane takes control of the situation by finally cutting to the chase.

"I have a big fight in two weeks that I want you two to go to." He says and Ashley snickers, not even bothering to hide it by a cough.

"Send the details to your father secretary and if she can fit it in, we'll come." She says and Kane smiles as if this is the most positive response he's ever gotten from this woman and if that's so, I should beat her with an empty bottle of vodka.

This took a little bit longer because I kept getting distracted. I think I'm going to take a shower in like 4 more chapters or so, we'll see.



QOTD: What annoys you a lot?

Letting GoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora