Running and Mornings

243 25 13

Kane's POV

The music in my headphones is blaring as I make my way down the street. Though I can't hear them over the music, my steps match the beat booming in my ears as I race the sun as it rises across the sky.

As always, my body woke me up at four o'clock, and not being able to sleep with my mind running miles ahead of me, I got out of bed and decided to get my workout started early by running a few miles. The cool morning breeze is flying across my skin, but I can't even relish in the moment as I think back to the fight that happened last night.

My sister came to visit me again, as well as my mom. You would think after five years, hundreds of arguments and me not backing down, they would realize that I don't want to be a fucking lawyer or doctor and that boxing will always be my passion.

Now if you came from a healthy family, you would think so. But if you came from a fucked up mentally intrusive and manipulative background like me, you know that no matter what I say or do, nothing will ever please the arrogant money sluts. I know that they say treat thy neighbor as thyself, but I treat myself like shit anyways, so I guess they didn't make the introductions too clear.

The song switches to one with a faster, harder tempo and I let the sound of the base that's screaming in my head, flow through my body until I'm sprinting the last half mile back to my house.

When I arrive in my driveway I check the time and see that is down by five seconds. I cringe a bit into myself knowing that I have at least 10 more to go as I walk myself up to my stairs and through my front door. I don't bother in changing my clothes, since the new gym I will be trying out, opens in a few minutes. The last one I went to got shut down a week ago because the police found illegal gambling on going in the back rooms.

The owner claims he didn't know, but everyone whose paid attention to his new Jaguar that he just purchased mysteriously, can tell he knew very well what was going on in that room.

A lot of fighters lost their home that day, but I didn't let it stop me for long. I trained in my house and up and down my neighborhood until I found this new gym that I'm trying out today. In the kitchen I make myself a protein shake before grabbing my keys and heading out the door. I keep the windows down to cool off my sweaty body as I sip my shake and make my way across town.

I've only been in a city for six months, and so far everything has turned out to be decent.

When I left my home I wasn't really sure where I was going, but I happened to end up in a strange city where humans and supernaturals live on top of each other without a care in the world. And that's what made me stop here and make this my new home.

From what I've seen this place is all about accepting others and giving second chances. Now I am not usually one to believe in propaganda, but this place seemed a lot more promising than where I came in any other city that I passed though on the way. Just as I'm pulling into the parking lot I feel my phone vibrate next to me. Something tells me to ignore the call and go about my day, but like the dumb ass I am, I pick it up.

"Kane, darling. Good morning." Comes the voice of my mother and I hang up the phone, quickly putting it on do not disturb before she can even get another word out.

The bitch just left yesterday, and she already trying to start again. It's too early in the morning for bitching and back stabbing.

I don't see why we can't do it over brunch and dinner like normal toxic families.

I chuckle to myself as I get out the car, my torso still naked from my run. I grab my headphones and my phone before sliding the two of them as well as my keys into my gym shorts. The car automatically kicks as soon as all the doors are closed, with only a three second wait period, and once I'm sure it's secure I make my way into the building.

I look around the room, and nod to myself and I walk around, inspecting the gear. As I look around, I'm happy to see that nothing in here is too old or two new, meaning that it's worn down just right to get in a new workout.

The boxing area is stocked nicely and everything looks cleaned and it smells like cleaner with only a little bit of sweat.

My type of place.

Once I'm sure everything up here is up to my speed, I make my way towards the desk off the the side. There's no one there in the front where the desk is and I tap on the bell in front of me before staring ti lol around a t the pamphlets. I pick up the one on boxing and speed through the paper before I feel someone cole up beside me.

I raise my eyes brows as I slowly turn and come in contact with man with slim muscles that fill out nicely in his shirt but has bags under his eyes and looks clearly hung over.



Definitely not my type.

I turn my gaze from the sub par man and I hear him clear his throat which I ignore.

"Uh, sir. You rang the bell. What can I help you with?" He asks me and I turn my head again and finally notice the logo in his shirt. How does he work at a gym and not have the perfect body.

"Give me a form for a membership." I tell him and he glares at me before I turn my head away from the man once more. After a second of standing there and staring at the side of my head. He reaches over behind the desk and hands me a clip board and a pen.

"Here." He tells me and I roll my eyes at his childishness and he wants away, leaving the scent of lemons and booze behind him.

Oop. We have another cocky asshole in our hands. I can't wait for this story honestly. I think it's gonna be so good.



QOTD: Old Disney or Old Nick?

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