Questions and Surprise

147 24 8

Dillan's POV

      Since Kane called Vincent for me earlier I don't have to go to work today. And I'm too weak after my panic attack to go walking back to my apartment on the other side of town. 

        Which sadly means that I'm stuck here at Kane's house for the rest of the day.


         And while I may bitch and moan about it, it's actually not going so bad. After I woke up from my nap, Kane was still laying in bed with me, his hands softly playing with my hair as I struggled to wake up. As soon as he realized I was awake he went and made me some soup and tea. I told him that I wasn't sick and he told me that he didn't know what else to do and he panicked.

         Ironic if you ask me.

         Now the two of us are sitting on his bed eating soup while our tea cools down on the bed side table.

           "This isn't too bad." I tell him but I'm lying. It's honestly the best fucking soup I've had but of course I wouldn't tell him that.

            But it looks like he's knows as he gives me a smirk and a slight shake of his head. "It's the best. But it's not my recipe. It's an old friend of mine." He says and he can tell I'm curious. "I would tell you, but I don't need you judging me more than you already do."

            " I do not judge you." I try to act innocent and offended but I don't think I really convinced either of us.

             "You do. But I'll tell you. After my mom got married to the piece of shit she's with now, she stopped looking after me. She left it to his staff. I was raised by maids and cooks and butlers. And I loved them. They taught me everything I know." He says and though he probably thought I would tease him for having hurlers in the first place, all I feel is awe.

            "Most people look down on those who work for them. Especially the help. It's nice that you bonded with them." I tell him and I can tell my praise caught him off guard.

             "They did everything for us and I tried it lessen the strain though I know I could be a hand full sometimes." He admits and we both laugh. I can definitely see him getting in trouble for the dumbest stuff as a kid because he does the dumbest stuff now.

           We're quiet for a moment for I finally decide to say fuck it and swallow my pride for the first time in a while.

         "I'm sorry for acting out earlier. I've never had to talk about what happens to me before except for once. And it was on my own terms. I shouldn't have freaked out the way I'd do and I'm sorry. Thank you for taking care of me." I tell him and I expected for his chest to puff out but he just shrugs as if it's no big deal. And to him maybe it isn't.

            "Opening up is hard, especially when someone tries to pry it open. I should have left the boundary where it stood." He says and I know he's talking about the status of our friendship.

            He thinks I don't notice, but I see the way he looks at me now, his gaze getting  softer more often. I can tell that he wants something from this.And to be honest I wouldn't mind to maybe give the cocky bastard a shot. Maybe just a little one, for not turning out to be as much of a dick head as I had thought at first.

        "You can make it up to me." I tell him. I hadn't planned on the word falling out of my mouth but now that they have it's a little too late to shove them in and hope that he didn't hear me. He looks up at me from his bowl of soup with a raised brow.

        "Why is it that I always have to make up something to you?" He asks and I laugh before sticking up my middle finger.

      "Because I don't fuck up like you. It's just so constant." I exaggerate and he just looks at me making me smile before tilting my head. "Take me out." I tell him and I can see him get confused.

     "Like kill you?" He asks and my lips twitch.

      "If you can fit that on schedule, sure. But that's not what I meant. You can make it up to me by taking me out on a date." I tell him and I watch as fifty seven different emotions run across his face, the main one being shock.

      "You want me to take you out? On a Date? Are you sure?" He says and I roll my eyes at him about to say fuck it before he finally gets a grip. "Yeah. I would love to. On my terms though." He tells me and I raise my brow at him boldness before nodding at him.

        "Fine. We'll go on your terms."

I'm so close I can taste it! this is update number six and it's only twelve. usually I would just be getting started around eleven. oh you guys are going to love these so fucking much I'm excited.



QOTD: Is a zebra white or black with different colored stripes?

Letting Goजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें