Chapter 12

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There was silence. Well, for a few seconds anyway.


"You're really good! This could be your chance at doing what you love!"

"You could of asked me," I whispered, my voice cracking.

"Look, I'm sorry okay? I can cancel if you want."

He gave me a sad look and wandered off to his bedroom. I felt like a monster.

He was only trying to cheer me up, and I had thrown it right back in his face. I am such a piece of shit.


Dinner was awkward. No-one said anything, we simply ate in the eerie silence. I sighed and set down my fork.


"Yeah?" he said emotionlessly.

"I'll do it."

"Really?" he cried as he face lit up.

Before I could even open my mouth to answer, he had sprinted round to my side of the table and was choking me to death.

"D-Drake!" I gurgled.

"Sorry. I just got excited."

"Really? I couldn't tell."


Days went by, and I got even more nervous as each one passed. I was excited, but what if Bryan actually put the video up? What if people didn't like me?

Thoughts like this ran through my head all day, and finally it was time to go.

I packed up my guitar and my sheet music and lyrics, only realising how messy it really was. This was it. The day that could make my dreams come true, or the day that I screwed up everything I've ever wanted. No pressure then.

I could hear Drake bumbling about the house, humming to himself and occassionally muttering words that escape me. It was easy to tell when he was nervous, it was also easy to think that it was the cutest thing ever. He would bite his lip and sway from side to side singing whatever song came to mind under his breath.

Me? Well that's a different story.

I remember walking around the whole house, head down and close to tears. When Drake found me I was curled up on the living room floor shaking like crazy. It wouldn't stop. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't steady my breath or stop myself shaking. My heart felt like it was going to burst through my chest. It was beating so fast that it actually hurt.

We were an hour late to the location because Drake had to calm me down. Bryan didn't ask questions, I'm pretty sure he knew it wasn't the right time to ask as he glanced at my red eyes.


The interview was going really well, Bryan and Drake were having a good laugh and even I was starting to smile. I mean, it was hard not to. With Bryan being so funny and sweet and Drake being extremely adorable and cracking the worst jokes known to mankind. But hey, it cheered me up.

"Alright Jenna?" Drake called.

"Hmmm. Yeah, thanks Drake."

"Wanna come on camera to say hi?"

Lost + Found (A CatchingYourClouds Fan-fic) DISCONTINUEDजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें