9-11|Homecoming Week

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"When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us."
– Helen Keller
My Outfit:
Today I'm wearing a purple pullover windbreaker, high waisted jeans, white Nike Air Force 1's, a black mask, and a pink watch. (Today was school colors day.)

This week was a shortened week due to Labor Day, so I didn't have school on Monday. We also had dress up days this week for Homecoming.

Tuesday was Tie Dye Day, so I wore a pink tie dye tank top with a white t-shirt underneath, high waisted jeans, and white Nike Air Force 1's.

On Tuesday, I took my apush test. I ended up getting an A on it, but she hasn't graded my SAQ yet so I'm not sure what I got on that. I'm super happy though that I got an A because while I was taking it, I was really stressed, haha.

Wednesday was Pink Day, so I wore a pink peplum top, black high waisted jeans, and white Nike Air Force 1's.

Then on Wednesday, I had my Algebra II quiz. Once I got the test, I looked it over and wasn't too bad. He verbally gave us directions which were kinda confusing. I ended up getting a B-, which I was hoping for any form of an A but I'll take a B-, haha.

During Study Hall, Paige, Charlotte, and I were planning on talking to the Principal about fundraiser guidelines. Our Officer Leader, who is also my English teacher, wanted us to ask about the guidelines. We went to the Office ten minutes before class ended, but when we walked in, the Principal was in a meeting. Then the Vice Principal walked in and asked us what we needed. So we talked with him and he said to send him an email so he could make sure he told us the correct information.

Thursday was Jersey Day, so I wore a Clippers jersey over a black Nike sweatshirt, black leggings, white Nike crew socks, and white Nike Air Force 1's.

On Thursday, we got our math quizzes back to see where we made our mistakes. I got -3 on a question because I converted it from Standard Form to Slope-Intercept form, which he told us verbally not to convert them from one form to another. So that really stunk. Then I got -1 on another question because when writing my answer in Point-Slope form, I circled the answer that I had distributed on and he didn't want us to distribute, so I had the right answer but circled the wrong one. Which also stinks. Then I got two questions wrong because I lowkey was just confused on them.

On Friday, I took my English test over "The Life of Pi" part one. I also had physical therapy today, so I showed up ten minutes late to English class, 2nd period. Which meant I got ten minutes less to take my test. I think that my teacher put my grade in wrong because she hasn't graded my short answer yet and she has already put my grade into skyward, so I'm going to ask her about it next week.

Today in apush, we took a break from our normal lessons and talked about September 11th. My teacher played videos of survivors talking and family members of those who died talking about their loved one. My eyes started getting watery so I had to keep blinking so I didn't cry. I thought that the stories being told were very sad.

Today is also our homecoming game and the theme is USA. Us cheerleaders are planning on meeting fifteen minutes earlier than what the coaches told us to, so we can paint USA on our faces. We all are also going to be wearing either a red, white, or blue bandana around one of our ankles. I am going to be wearing a red one.

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