4-24|Telling Elijah

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"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."
-Theodore Roosevelt
My Outfit:
Today I'm wearing a tie-dye crewneck, black high-waisted leggings, white Nike Air Force 1's, and a white watch.

During Spanish class, we played heads up seven up. If we were chosen, we had to tell what one of our vocab words was before we could guess who picked us. I was chosen three times. The first time Drake picked me, and I was going to guess him, but then I decided not to. The second time Leo picked me, and I did not guess him. Then the very next round, I was picked again, and I was like, I bet Leo picked me again because that seems like something he would do. I was right, haha.

After school, I had tennis practice. I played Bridget in a tie-breaker match, and I beat her! However, we didn't record those scores down, and we told the assistant coach what we got and not the head coach.

After tennis, I went home and changed. Then I met Alaina, Olivia, Willow, and Zoey for food. After that, we went and bought flowers for Charlotte because she was performing in her play tonight. We watched the play, and it was really good. It made me miss doing theatre, haha. Once it finished, we gave Charlotte the flowers and then talked to each other.

Leo's younger brother was in the play, and he was so good. He smiled during all the dance numbers, and all of my friends and I thought it was so adorable. We're his new fan club, haha.

During Spanish class last week, I was in a group with Natalie and Alisa for an activity. Alisa started talking to Natalie about a boy that Natalie likes. Then Natalie goes, "Paige told me that he likes Liliana." I was like, omgsh, are you guys talking about Logan? They were, so I said Natalie go for it because I don't like Logan like that, haha. (Logan is in our Spanish class.)

Today Natalie texted the girls in my math group chat that Logan asked her out. So that means Logan has moved on from me :)

I told my sister about this, so she goes, "Do you want me to tell Elijah's brother you like Elijah?" I was like, go for it.

Once my sister got home, I asked her if she told Elijah's brother, and she said she did. When I asked her this, my sister was on facetime with her boyfriend, Gabriel. (Gabriel is best friends with Elijah's brother.) They said that Edward, Elijah's brother, hasn't said anything about what Elijah said yet.

Gabriel said that Edward said that he was going to tell Elijah that, "Liliana has a big fat crush on you." Raelynn said that she told Edward not to do that because I would not want that. I was like, thank goodness.

Gabriel said that we could set it up as a blind texting date. Then he goes, "Well, obviously Liliana would know who she was texting, but Elijah wouldn't. So Elijah would not know that he was texting Liliana. So if it went bad, he wouldn't have to know who it was." He was joking.

I pass Elijah in the hall on my way to Algebra class, so that might be weird, I don't know. Elijah's mom works at the school, and I pass her on my way to choir every now and then.

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