8-19|The First Football Game of the Year

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"If life were predictable it would cease to be life, and be without flavor."
-Eleanor Roosevelt
My Outfit:
Today I'm wearing a purple and white windbreaker pullover, high waisted jeans, white Nike air force 1's, a gray mask, a pink watch, and a white Pura Vida bracelet.
(For cheer, we had to wear our school colors to school.)

On Thursday, we took an Algebra II quiz. I did not do as well as I had hoped. The day before the test, I had lots of homework, so I had to get that done over studying. Now I'm going to have to make sure I do really good on the test.

Today we took a Chemistry test over ten ions. We were given 36 ions to study, and from the 36, she picked 10 to quiz us over. She told us that each class period was given a different group of 10. We had to know their formulas. I think I did pretty well on it. Next Monday, I have a test over 10/21 ions, Tuesday I have a test over 10/19 ions, and Wednesday, I have a test over 10/27 ions. Then on Thursday, she is going to test us over all of the ions sets and only select so many from each set.

Today during school, I left partially through 7th period, Study Hall. I had a therapy appointment today. When I left, I forgot my lunchbox in study hall, and I didn't notice. Then after I had finished my therapy appointment, I saw that Charlotte had texted me a picture of my lunchbox and said she'd bring it to me at the game tonight. I was like, oh my gosh, this is the second time I've forgotten it.

On Thursday, I had forgotten my lunchbox in 2nd period, English. Then I went to 3rd period, Algebra II, and after class, when I went to leave, I was like, oh no, I forgot my lunch box in math. So I walked back to the classroom, and it wasn't there. Then I was like, oh, maybe I forgot it in English. So I went to apush, and Zoey had my lunchbox on her desk. She said she saw my lunchbox sitting in the classroom, and she went to text me that she grabbed it for me, but then she saw that I had left my phone in the side compartment of my lunchbox. I was like, oh my gosh, I could've lost my phone.

Today was senior night at the football game. We have four seniors on the cheer team, and then a bunch of seniors from other sports were there too. We ended up losing the football game, which stinks. Although, I only messed up on one chant, so that was good.

My Grandma ended up coming over, and she's going to spend the weekend with us. I'm super happy it's the weekend, because school felt so long.

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