8-18|Doctor's Appointment

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"If you realize that all things change, there is nothing you will try to hold on to."
-Lao Tzu
My Outfit:
Today I'm wearing a white shirt with tiny pink flowers on it, black Nike sweatpants, white Nike air force 1's, a black mask, a gold pendant necklace, a gold ring, and a sparkly pink, green, gold, and white beaded bracelet.

Sorry I haven't written much these first few weeks. Last year I wrote every day towards the beginning of the school year. This year I'm finding I have little time to do anything extra.

Last night I stayed up until 1:30 ish in the morning working on homework. I had a 40+ question Algebra II assignment, an English writing assignment, I had to work on my chemistry notecards, finish the second half of Chapter 4 in my apush book and complete a lengthy assignment with it, and then I also had cheer practice. I felt exhausted this morning, but at least I got everything done.

Today I left school during the middle of 5th period, Spanish II. I had a doctor's appointment that is far away. I had to get an x-ray and get my shoulder re-looked at. I'm not sure if I ever mentioned my shoulder problem in here before. Over the summer, I went to the doctor and got an x-ray and an MRI done. I'm not quite sure what's wrong with it, but there's something torn in it. I also did therapy over the summer, but that didn't make much of a difference. Ever since freshman year, my shoulder has popped and makes a noise while doing so. Along with while in certain positions, it hurts. It's gotten worse over time.

One of the ladies who works at the hospital asked me where I got my sweatpants from and said they looked very comfortable. I told her they were and where I got them. These are my first pair of sweatpants I've owned. I've only worn sweatpants twice before, and they were my sister's.

After my appointment, I headed for home and worked on my Algebra II homework while in the car and once I got home. Then I had to leave for my drive about an hour later. Today, with my instructor, we drove in town and practiced parallel parking.

Once I got back home, I worked on my homework. Today I had to do my chemistry notecards, a writing assignment for English, an Algebra II assignment, and reading Chapter 5 and working on my analysis for apush. I finished around midnight today, so that's better than yesterday.

I really hate not having much free time. Once I get home, it's straight to homework. I don't take any unnecessary breaks because if I do, I will finish late. It's so boring.

I ended up getting a 25/24 on the apush test that I took on the first day of school. The test was 35 questions, and she scaled it down 70%. The average on the test was a 24/24. I was super happy when I saw that I got an A+.

Yesterday, I presented for Spanish, and it went well. I didn't mess up at all, so that was good. My teacher also complimented me on my slides' backgrounds because they were decorated, haha.

This Friday is our first football game of the year, and I'm excited and nervous. I'm excited because I like cheer, but I'm nervous because I'm on Varsity this year and I don't want to mess up. Last year, we did two lines, JV in back and Varsity in front. This year we are doing one line. I never really looked at the people in front of me because when you do, it's obvious and because I was confident in the cheers. Now I'm nervous. Also, the seating capacity in the stands has been reduced because of the coronavirus, and masks are required.

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