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   Su Ruan Ruan felt very sad.

    She can no longer be hard as a Su Lord.

    As soon as the little fairy was sad, the sky began to bloom small white flowers.

    Ni Yang squeezed the little white flower in her hand.

    Why does this flower look familiar?

    Can't remember.

    Ni Yang stuffed the flower in her mouth, closed the window again, and then looked down at the zombie who was picking up flowers on the ground and said, "What is that?"


    Su Ruan Ruam stared at that one. A zombie with a demented smile ,on his arms are full of  flowers.

    Ni Yang said, "Why do that zombie look familiar?"

    Especially the smashing action just now.

    Su Ruan Ruan said that it was all the same, how can you remember.

    "But the zombies look almost the same."

    Ni Yang finished talking on her own, turning her head to look at Su Ruan Ruan with a faintly resentful expression, and patted her little head, "Accept it, the trash ability  is given to you.”

    Su Ruan Ruan: She has never felt such humiliation before!

    When the little fairy was angry, the sky began to drop white flowers.

    Ni Yang raised her hand and waved away the little white flower in front of her, and then touched her little head and said, "It doesn't matter, anyway... it looks pretty."

    Then she turned around and went out to pick up the flower and continue to look at the  zombie who was smashing the stone.

    Xiao Yu also comforted Su Ruan Ruan, and then went out with Lu Shiming to treat those who have injuries.

    Su Ruan Ruan, who was angry and sad, stood alone in front of the glass window, looking at the face printed inside.

    More sad and melancholy.

    She blinked, and the person in the glass blinked.

    After a night of baptism, the slightly curled messy hair has turned into a beautiful little curl, like a doll.

    Su Ruan Ruan reached out her hand and cupped her face.

    Fortunately, she still has beauty.

    Ah, how come I grow up like this, so sad, how many men will be fascinated and covet my beauty.

    The smile is full of confidence and arrogance.

    Ah, that's not right, now it's only enough to fascinate Lu Shiming.

    Su Ruan Ruan shook her little head softly.

    She was indeed discovered that it was not water that entered her mind, but Lu Shiming.

    Su Ruan Ruan felt that she might be mentally ill, otherwise, how could she like a lunatic pervert and king of the devil?


    Since she knew what she wanted was Lu Shiming.

    Su Ruan Ruan began to think about life.

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