Warren just told me something that I didn't think would happen for at least another year or so . Although we all hang out and get along, I'm far from over my love for her. And now, he's going to propose?

I look out the door to see that she has walked over to Jasmine's desk . She introduces herself and the two hug each other as if they're long lost friends . Every guy on this floor is also staring . How could they not? Two extraordinarily beautiful women , being friendly with each other?

When Aria turned back to our direction , I felt my heart crack again . I needed more time to heal . I walked out of Warren's office and began to walk towards mine, towards Aria.

"Alex!" She says happily as she comes to hug me . I squeezed her tighter than usual .

"Hey Ar. You look beautiful today," I wanted to add that she looked beautiful everyday. Very effortless.

She blushes at the compliment , "you look extra handsome in your suit," she returns.

"Hey, how about me?" I hear Warren ask as he walks closer to us . Aria giggled as she jumped into his arms and they shared a long and passionate kiss . This display of affection hurts more, knowing what's going to follow soon .

"Shall we?" Aria asks Warren.

"Yup, hey Alex, do you want to join us for lunch?" Warren asks me.

"No, it's fine, you two go ahead," I wave them off as Warren tucks Aria in his arms and they walk towards the elevator.

As I head back in the office to sit, I'm in complete silence. He's going to propose and she will say yes . When they get married? I don't know but I'm going to guess that they won't want to wait. They waited 20 years to be reunited , I'm sure they don't want to waste any more time. The soft knock on my door takes me out of my trance.

"Alex?" Jasmine asks.

"Oh, hey, it's lunchtime if you want to get out of the office," I say .

"Are you okay?" She asks with concern.

Sighing , "yeah, I'm just tired."

"You're in love with her, aren't you?" She says with a warm smile.

"Is it obvious?"

Her smile never leaving her face , "you're different when she calls. And the way you look at her. I know that gaze , it's the same one Warren gives to her and what she gives to him."

"Very observant," I quip.

"It'll get better," she tries to soothe.

"He's going to propose to her," I tell Jasmine.

A look of surprise crossed her face , "wow. I never thought I'd ever hear of the day that Warren Wells would ever get married."

I chuckle at the reaction, "I know right? I guess his reputation proceeds him."

"He's the man with a heart made of ice," she says.

"That was before Aria."

"I can see why you both love her so much . She's so sweet and stunning," Jasmine continues , "she helped me at my lowest point."

Can You Keep A Secret? (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now