Wedding dresses!

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*Hey guys! I don't know what to say....... let's go!*

Squid's POV

My eyes flutter open. What time is it? I don't even remember going to sleep. I glance at my phone. 6:30! That's quite early! I usually get up late, especially when I was up so late driving home. Wait, Nicole! I gotta go see her! I spring off my bed and go to my closet. I picked out a white wife-beater with a black jacket over it, and some jeans. I also put on some Nike sneakers. Now, time to get in the shower.

*Time Skip*

I carefully get out of my shower and grab a navy blue towel. I cover my body with it and dry off. Then I slipped into my clothes. I will admit, I look pretty good. That's good because I haven't seen Nicole for a while and all... I run a comb through my blond hair and put in some gel. And I'm....................... done!

I silently walk into Lexi's room. She's sound asleep and snoring. I grab a sticky note and pen and wrote a quick note to her.

I went to Nicole's house and I won't be back for a while.

Unless by the time you sleepyhead wake up,

I've come. I doubt it. See you soon,

~Squid :)

That'll do! I grab some breakfast, waffles (Again) and some bacon leftover from yesterday. Then I walk out to the car.

*Time Skip*

I knock on Nicole's door. Please be there, please be there... The doorknob turns. Bingo! "Hey Squid" Nicole greeted me. "Hello my lovely Nicole!" I smiled. She giggled. I was still standing outside. "Oh, oh come in!" She said quickly, blushing. We sat down on the couch. I stared into her beautiful blue eyes.

Nicole's POV ( I already broke the rule, why not?!)

I got lost in Squid's dreamy crystal blue eyes. I love him. He is so happy, funny, smiley, all the time! "I love you" He said suddenly. "I love you, too" I said almost immediately. We leaned in 'till our noses were touching. "I've been waiting for this moment" He said cheekily. Suddenly his lips crashed into mine, and boy, I didn't want it to end! He snaked his hands around my torso and I wrapped my arms around his neck. We haven't done this in ages.

He started rubbing my back. It feels so good! I love Squid, and he always knows how to cheer me up, whether I need to laugh, cry, or... kiss. We continued making out for another good five minutes when he pulled away. "I needed that" I said. He chuckled. "Yeah, me too"

"So what do you wanna do now?" He asked. "I wanna be with you" I grinned. "How about I call Sqaishey and see if she wants to go wedding dress shopping?" He asked. "Of course!" I squealed. "You're the best!" "I know" He replied, smirking. He dialed a number into the phone. "Hey Stamps!" He said. ...... "Has she?"......... "Oh yeah huh"...... "Nicole wants to as well".... "Okay, see ya"...... Then he hung up. "Soo?" I ask. "Let's go!" He shrieked in a girly voice, making me giggle.

*Time Skip*

Well, the plans are that Squid and Stampy will go looking for suits, and me and Sqaishey will look for dresses! I'm happy to get to know Sqaishey, she sounds really nice!

Me and Squid walk in, hand in hand, and soon meet Sqaishey and Stampy. They are walking hand in hand too. "So you're Nicole!" Sqaishey said happily. "And you're Sqaishey!" I reply. Squid nodded at Stampy. "Sup" He said. Stampy nodded, too. "Nothin' " he replied. Me and Sqaishey laughed. "Okay, okay, hey Stamps!" Squid said, failing to be 'cool'. "Hey mate!" Stampy said chuckling. "Enough with this mumbo jumbo are we gonna go or what!?" I interrupted. "Hmm... feisty!" Stampy joked. I made a hissing sound. We laughed. These are nice people. "Well, we're off!" Sqaishey and I said in unison. "Okay twins!" Squid laughed.

We walked into the wedding store thingy and there were SO many beautiful dresses! strapless, sleeved, mermaid, any kind you could think of! "Gawd, that's a lot of dresses!" Sqaishey laughed. "Mind reader" I giggle. "Let's split up, so we can cover more ground in less time!" She suggested. "Yes sir!" I joked. I went left and Sqaishey went right.

After about 30 freaking minutes of looking at dresses, I found the one. It was beautiful. A one shoulder dress that went to the floor, no longer. It had beautiful flower lining all at the bottom, and rising, but the amount of flowers would get smaller and smaller the higher they were. It was beautiful! The veil was silver and lace, the silver matching the flower lining. In about 20 seconds, Sqaishey popped up out of nowhere. "Found one?" She asked. I nod, still stunned by the beautiful dress.

When she saw it, she gasped. "That would look amazing on you!" She gasped. "Thanks, I think I'll try it on" I smile. "Okay, imma keep looking" She giggled. I walked to the dressing room and put on the dress. When I looked in the mirror, I was shocked. I looked stunning. I'm not trying to brag, I didn't know I could look so pretty! The dress fit perfectly. I walked out of the dressing room and found sqaishey.

"OH MY GOOOSSSH!" She screeched. "It looks awesome! Squid will stop breathing when he sees you in that!" I laugh. "Thanks for the opinion! I'm definitely gonna buy it!" I squealed.

*Hey ladies and gentleladies! So, I'm still thinking about the nameless new book, and I want some suggestions please! Lol imma queen, demanding suggestions. Hehe. So please leave some names! I want it to be about the whole magic animal club living in Stampy's lovely world and I want it to be romantic! Maybe you could name my book! Well, I'll be waiting! Byeeeee*

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