Romance much?

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*Hey guys! I have nothing to say o.O LET'S DO DIS*

Squid's POV

(4 days after the last chapter...)

I glance at the clock. 5:45. "LEXI?" I yell. "YEAH?" She screams back. "I'M LEAVING!" "OKAY HAVE FUN!" "BYE" Why do we just yell instead of physically moving closer to each other? What ever, I am picking Nicole up at 6 to go to this new fancy restaurant. I get in my car and start driving to her house. I am so glad I remember everything, I really missed this place.

I finally arrive at her house and she steps out of her house. She looks beautiful. "Hey, love." I greet. "Hi honey" She replies. She gets in the car and we start talking. "So, now will you tall me where the heck we're going!?" She asks. I kept it a surprise. "No!" I say. I love surprising her, and I know it will be more romantic if she doesn't know. "Why not?" She whines. I laugh. "Because, it's a secret!" I whisper. She frowns, her pretty hair in her face. "I can keep a secret" She pouts. "Well, so can I" I chuckle.

"Okay, we're here!" I say when we get to a fancy, oceanfront cafe. "Oh my goodness!" She gasps, looking around. "Thanks so much!" She says, still looking at the restaurant. I gently place my hand on her cheek and turn her head. "Thank you for being amazing" I say. I kiss her soft, warm lips. It's the first real kiss we've had in ages, and it's what I really need. She holds on to my shoulders and I hold her waist. She pulls away and hugs me. "I love you" She whispers into my back. "I love you, too." I say. "Let's go, I'm starving!" I say pulling away. "Everything, everything romantic!" She giggles. I laugh as well. "That's me for ya" I joke.

I sign in, and we are taken to our seats. "My name is Sarah and I will be serving you tonight. Can I get you anything yet?" Our waitress asks as we sit. I look at her and she shrugs. "Not yet, thank you." I reply. "Okay" She says before walking away. After I pick what I want I turn. We got a table on the deck, so we are basically surrounded by the beautiful ocean. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" Nicole asks, startling me. "Yeah..." My voice trails off. She leans in and kisses me, and at first I do nothing out of surprise, but then kiss her back. "It was my turn, to surprise you." She whispers. I begin kissing her neck. "Eh hem" Sarah, our waitress interrupts. I jump and pull away. "Sorry..." She apologizes. "No, it's fine." I say, blushing like mad.

"Can I get you something to drink?" She asks. "I'll have a coke" Nicole says. "I'll just have water." I say after her. "Okay, coke and water." The waitress says as she writes on her little notepad. "Anything else?" She asks. I glance at Nicole, who shakes her head. "Nah, thank you" I say. "No, thank you." She says before once again walking away. "Where were we?" I whisper before leaning in and kissing Nicole again.


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