Who was it and Why?

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Squid's POV

My eyes open and heat from the one small window above my bed makes my legs burning hot. This stupid hospital! I have been here for a week, and I am so sick of it! I just wanna go home! Wherever that is... The doctors say that I should have all my memory by the end of this week, and I should be able to go home. Thank the lords. I still have one remaining question. How did I get like this? Suddenly my curtain is opened and in walked the same two girls. I smile. "Hey Nicole" I say. We all gasp. "Nicole! Nicole!! I remember!" I yell. "Leee... Lexi?" I ask, squinting my eyes. Her eyes widen. "Yes! Yes yes yes!" She yells grinning. "My fiance and my adopted daughter!" I say happily. They both jump up and down and clap. "Wait- guys?" I ask. They both sit down on either side of me. "Who did this to me?" I ask. I touch her eye and she flinches. "Who did that to you?" I ask again. "Well.... it was a normal night..." She explains. When she finishes her story, I just stare speechless. "Let me at 'em" I whisper. "What?" They both ask in unison. "LET ME AT 'EM" I Scream. "Shhh Calm down Squid!" Lexi lulls. "No! They hurt us!" I yell. Suddenly a little beeping noise sounds and a doctor comes in. "LET ME AT 'EM!" I scream at him. He just looks at me, extremely confused. "Your time is up ladies." He tells the girls. "Squid, we have to go. We will come back tomorrow." Nicole says calmly. They walk out, everyone including the doctor.

Lexi's POV

I felt like screaming on our way to the car. What did I do to deserve this? I mean- he remembers me, I am very thankful- but why did this happen? What did Squid and Nicole do to deserve this? I just wanna burst into tears, and scream into a closet, and he didn't even hurt me! For god sake, Squid's in a freaking hospital! He forgot his fiance's name! "You okay?" Nicole interrupts my thoughts. I nod, afraid I will start sobbing if I talk. "Okay....?" She says turning her full attention back on the road. What am I gonna do.....

*Time Skip*

"Thanks for driving me home.." I say to Nicole as I step out of her car. "No problem hon!" She assures. "Well, still. See you." I say before heading to the door. She nods and drives away. I look over my shoulder to see that she is gone, and sprint inside. I race to my bed and jump on it. "UGHHHHHH" I scream into my pillow. "STUPID FREAKING MAN!" I am glad the pillow muffles my yells. I full-out cry into my pillow, until there is a wet spot on the fabric. Suddenly someone knocks. Who the heck is knocking? Do they want Squid? Gawd, I could never explain to someone what happened without sobbing in front of them. I get up and walk to the door. I open it, and find that Luke is there. When he sees me he gasps. "What's?-" "Squuuiiid!" I say sobbing into his chest. He steps in and closes the door. We sit on the couch. "I-I'm sorry, f-for how I-I l-look" I sob. "What do you mean? You're beautiful" He says. "No-o-o... my eyes are p-puffy, and my-my hair is a-all stuck to my f-face...." My voice trails off. "Enough t-talk about me- what a-are you doing h-here?" I ask. "I'm here because I wanted to see you" He says, "But now I have a real reason." He continues. "What is i-it?" I choke out. "I have to cheer you up!" He giggles. "I-I don't know if that's p-possible.." I croak. "Oh, come on! For me?" He asks giving me puppy-dog eyes. "ooh... all right! I-I'll at least try..." I stutter. "Yes!" He says. "How do you plan on cheering me up?" I ask. "Well, my mom isn't home, so wanna come to my house?" He says. "Sure, why not." I answer. "Okay, let's go!" He said as he grabbed my arm and pulled me up. I laugh. "You seem eager!" I yell. "Yay! Laughing already!" He chuckles. I just laugh. We hop into his brother's car.

*Time Skip*

"Have fun, call me if you need a ride!" Luke's brother says before driving away. "Well, operation cheer-you-up has officially begun!

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