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*Hey guys! Shout out to: lisamn93 because she gave me the idea for this chapter and possibly the next one, too! Thanks so much Lisa! Okay, let's do dis*

Squid's POV

I wake up completely on the floor. Squid, whatcha do sometimes, whatcha do. I crawl back on the small mattress, probably around 5'' tall. What time is it? It's still dark out the window. I check my phone. WHAT? Only 6:07? This is weird! I'm never one to wake up early! Suddenly I hear someone... I whip my head around fast. I see a figure, and it looks like their sobbing. I shuffle closer, and find... Stampy? What's going on!?

I sit next him, and he jumps. I guess I startled him a bit. I pretend not to notice. "Stamps?" I ask. "Yeah?" He chokes out. He's definitely been sobbing. He refuses to look at me. "What's wrong?" I whisper, and he still doesn't look up from his lap. "Sqaishey..." He answers. I know Sqaishey and Stampy have been going out. "What happened mate?" I ask. "You can talk to me." I add. "She... she's mad at me. I don't understand why, she won't tell me. Stay out of it though. You won't help." He says. What? I won't help? Why not? How does he know?

"Mate, why can't I at least try to help?" I ask. "Because, I said you can't!" He snapped back. Jeez, I've never seen him like this. "Stampy, I think I can help." I reply. "YOU CAN'T!" He yelled. suddenly someone walked in. Gawd I hope he didn't wake them up. "Squid?" A voice asked. Lexi's voice. "Lexi!" I said. Stampy kept his eyes on his lap. "Why are you up, and why is Stampy yelling?" She whispered. "Well, I have no idea why I woke up, but something's wrong with him and Sqaishey." I explain. "SO SQAUMPY IS A THING!?" She squealed, I swear she could wake up a hibernating bear. "Not for long..." Stampy said, finally speaking. "Go to sleep.." I said. She opened her mouth to talk, but nothing came out. Then she walked out of the room.

"Stamps, I'm sorry. I hope you can work it out. Night." I whisper as I walk over to my mattress. He doesn't even reply. He's always so happy, and... joyful... he must really love Sqaishey! Well... he doesn't want me to help, so I guess I'll stay out of it.

*Time Skip*

Lexi's POV

I did notice Sqaishey wasn't acting normal either. What could they possibly be fighting about? I have to help them. I can't let Squampy die, the whole world knows that Sqaishey and Stampy are perfect! I will do whatever I can to make this better! I'll start with Sqaishey. See if she will tell me what they are fighting about.

I find her sitting under an apple tree in the backyard. "Sqaishey?" I ask, pretending not to know why she's there. "You okay?" She doesn't respond. I sit next to her. "Is it Stampy?" I ask, still pretending. It must be done. She finally stopped ignoring. "Did Stampy put ya up to this?" She asked in a suspicious tone. "No, I swear! Why, are you guys fighting or something?" I say with my hands in the air defensively. "Yeah... I think he's been seeing Amy.." She said, looking at the clouds. Bingo. "Well, you should come eat breakfast. Wouldn't you take fries over guys right now? Or- waffles over guys?" I ask. She giggled. "I guess.. Why should I let him get me down?!" She asked confidently. "That's the spirit!" I say smiling before we both get up and run inside.

*Time Skip*

Okay, now I know what to tell Stampy. He wasn't at breakfast, so maybe he's where he was last night! Or, this morning... I run up to the boys' bedroom and sure enough there he is. "Stampy?" I ask quietly. He looks up. "What?" He asked as he quickly looked down at his lap, again. "I know... I know why Sqaishey is mad at you.." I say. I saw his eyes widen and he looked up at me again. "Why? Why is she mad?" He asks happily. I smile. "She thinks you've been seeing Amy." I explain. "Thanks so much! I have no idea what I would do without you!" He said as he got up and hugged me. "Thanks, just make sure she doesn't know I told you, okay?" I ask, looking him in the eye. "Of course. Thanks again!" He said before skipping out of the room. I sigh. Don't blow this Stampy...

Stampy's POV (I know, my plan was only Lexi's and squid's povs but... that didn't work..)

I found Sqaishey sitting under an apple tree. It hurt me to see her like this. I walk out the door to her. "Sqaishey?" I asked. "Go away.." She replied quickly, annoyed. "I just wanted to say, I love you more than anything or anyone in this world. It hurts me to see you like this, and there is no other girl I could even compare you to. I love you, and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me, for whatever I did." I say and immediately start walking away. "Stampy wait!" She yelled standing up. I turned. "I love you, too!" She said. I ran to her and kissed her. I wrapped my arms around her waste and she put hers around my neck, and we stayed kissing for ages. I am so glad we are back together..

Lexi's POV

They looked so happy together, they were a perfect couple. It's the kind of love that lights up a room when they walk in, and it just makes you happy to see. I hope they never fight again. Well, thanks to me and my genius work, Sqaumpy is officially back! Woohoo!

*Hey guys! Thanks so much to lisanm93! I hope you liked this chapter! Byeeeee*

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