Going home!

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*Hey I hope you are enjoying this story!! Like I said, its my first one so its probably REALLY BAD! Anyway I will stop blabbering on and I hope you enjoy!*

Lexi's POV

I run upstairs to get packed, but first I get in my closet, or old closet, and scream. I am getting adopted by SQUID! I grab my clothes, phone, make-up, and everything else and put it in my suit case. Then I go to Lilly's room and say my goodbyes. We both start crying. " I can't *sob* believe you are getting adopted! I will *sob* miss you!" She bursts into tears after saying that. "I know visit me, and text me, and call me, and-and-and..." my voice trails off. We agree to skype as much as we can. Then I run downstairs and find my new dad, squid. I hope he doesn't mind me calling him squid, instead of David, after all, everyone else does!

Squid's POV

"Ready to go?" I say excitedly to Lexi. Her eyes are red and I can see dried tears on her cheeks. I walk up to her and hug her. At first she doesn't do anything, out of shock, but then she hugs me back." I'm sorry." I say. She lets go, and stares up at me. " Are you kidding? This is the greatest moment of my life! Not only am I part of a new family, but it's you! You adopted me! This is the greatest day of my life!" I smile, I am truly happy to hear that.

We walk out of the building, and Nicole goes to her car. "Bye love" I say to her. She hugs Lexi goodbye, and then goes to her car. "Come on, that's our car" I say pointing to a red Ferrari.

Lexi's POV

I follow squid's finger and end up looking at a bright red Ferrari! My eyes widen and I gasp. "That one?" He nods, grinning. "You, you sure about that?" I ask. " Pretty sure!"

*Sorry for a short chapter! I have an idea for the next one though, so I hope you guys like it! And please leave feedback also!*

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