School? Oh boy...

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*Hey Guys!! Sorry I have skipped so much time, but I have no idea what to write about, so school it is!! Sorry!! o.O*

Squid's POV

Man, I can't believe tomorrow is Lexi's first day of school! I really hope this turns out really good and she loves it, makes friends, and it's all happy... What if that doesn't happen? What if she doesn't like the school? What if she hates it? What if people don't like her? I sip some tea and try to get back to reality. Everyone will like her, what am I saying? Well... thinking? Well she will make loads of friends!.....What if she doesn't? Gawd, this is gonna be a looong night.

Lexi's POV

"Lexi! Wake up!" Squid bursts into my room. "Come on, you have school!" He continuous. "Ughhh!' I will have homework, and, and I will have to... LEARN!" I say in total disgust. "Okay then, I will make you some breakfast, while you get ready!" He says cheerfully, the exact opposite of me. He walks out of my room and I get out of bed. Oh, so wonderful, comfortable, bed... I will miss you! I grab navy blue and white striped top, with fake tipped jean shorts. I leave my hair down and put on a headband, and put on light make up. After all, I wanna look nice for any boys! JK, I would take fries over guys anytime!

I walk into the kitchen quietly, since after squid made me breakfast he started to record with Stampy. I would like to meet him one day, maybe he will come to stay with squid. I start eating the cinnamon roll squid made. It was delicious! I didn't know he could bake! After I eat I brush my teeth, pack my bag and just get ready. "Bye squid I'm leaving!" I shout before I leave. "Bye have a good day!" He says in response.

*Time Skip*

I walk through the double doors of the absolutely massive school. A teacher already recognizes me and gives me my locker lock, my schedule, and a tour. I look at my schedule. First class is.. English. Room 207. I hope I find it in time.. Then a girl bumps in to me. "I'm sorry!" She says, her eyes wide. "No I am!" I reply. I should have watched where I was going. Then again, so should she. Hey, we were all thinking it! "So, I'm Katelyn! You?" She asks me. "Lexi. Wanna be friends?" "Sure!" She answers. We compare schedules and we have all the same except the last four! She shows me where room 207 is and I prepare for a long, boring day.

*Time Skip*

The bell rings. Finally! Lunch time! I buy a disgusting looking plate of meatloaf, an apple, and some Doritos. On my way to where Katelyn is sitting, someone comes my way. Before I get a good look at the person we bump into each other. "Oww!" We say at the same time, but then we look at each other and we both go silent. "Luke" he says still staring. "Lexi..." I say. Then a group of I guess his friends wave and he runs to them. Wait! I almost yell. Luckily I caught myself. That would have been embarrassing. I try to shake it off, but the whole time I half listen to what Katelyn is saying, I find myself thinking about Luke. "He's hot! You should ask him out!" She says when I sit down. "I am not the kind of person who can do that kind of thing without completely embarrassing herself" I reply, and let me tell you it's true!

*Time Skip*

Squid's POV

I'm talking on the phone with Stampy when Lexi opens the door. "Well gotta go!" I say to him and hang up before he says bye. "Hey!" I say. "How was school?" "Well let's see, I gotta friend!" She answers. "And at lunch I bumped into this really cute guy named Luke and he's way outta my league and I don't know what to do!" She says really fast. Crap. This is exactly what I was worried about! Well, at lease she was not bullied! I really hope I didn't jinx that."Well I don't know what to do about that!" I say. I really hope she's okay...

Lexi's POV

I pull out my homework and start working on it at my desk. I think about how me and Luke bumped into each other... Stop it Lexi! What's wrong with you! I run to the bathroom. Sure enough, I'm blushing. Ughhhhhh! Why am I so obsessed with him!? I have never been obsessed with a boy in my life!

*Hey Guys! I hope you like it! Give me ideas about what should happen with Luke and Lexi! Also please comment!! Well let me know if you are liking this!! I am enjoying writing it!! :P*

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