Black eyes and bloody noses

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*Hey guys this will probably be a short chapter because I gotta go to gymnastics soon so yeah no hate plz!*

Squid's POV

"Okay, everyone packed?" I ask as Nicole and Lexi walk out of their rooms. Both of them nod. "K lets go!" I say as I drag my suitcase to the door. We use the elevator to get downstairs and I return both of our room keys. "Say goodbye everyone!" I tell them when we walk through the motion-censored doors. The girls climb in the car and I shove all our belongings in the trunk of our car. As I sit in the driver's seat I ask "Did ya guys have fun?" "Of course! It was great!" Lexi announced. "Yeah it was really good fun!" Nicole tells me. "Good! I had fun too!" I reply. We start driving.

*Time Skip* (Almost home)

Lexi's POV

After staring out the window with my head resting on the cold glass, I pull out my phone. There was a small message that popped up on my screen when I turned it on. 'One unread text from Luke' is what it said. I tap it with my pointer finger and it brings me to the text. The text read: Hey, wanna go to the movies when you get home? Call me when u get a chance! I immediately text him back. 'Of course! I am on the car ride back, and I will call when I get home so Nicole and Squid don't eavesdrop!' I reply. I put on my music and put my head on the nice, cool glass...

*Time Skip*

I peel off my clothes and put on some pajamas. Then I grab my phone and call Luke. "Hey!" He greets. "Hi! So you said something about going to the movies?" I ask. "Yeah, wanna go on like, Saturday or somethin'?" He says. "Yeah sure! Wanna meet in front of the entrance of that movie theater in the mall?" "Okay! I gotta go, bye!" he says. "Bye!" I say before we hang up. Ahh, nice relaxation. I doze off...

*Time Skip*

I jolt awake, to a glass shattering scream. I run outside and find Squid, Nicole, and some other guys dressed in black. Nicole was the one that screamed. She had a bloody nose and a black eye. She was shielding the other side of her face. Squid was trying to calm the stranger down, but in return he was punched in the nose. Squid normally would have gotten help, but I knew why he didn't. He couldn't leave Nicole. He throws a punch at the guy, but he blocks it and kicks Squid in the stomach. Squid falls. I run in. "No Lexi Don't!" I hear Nicole scream. I have to. I kick the guy in the stomach and tackle him to the ground, as he was offguard. Then I punch him in the nose, eye and lip. His face is bloody, but I have no idea how much pain Squid must be in right now. He hasn't even woken up. Finally, the stranger goes unconscious and I ask Nicole for her phone. She immediately obeys and tosses it to me. I dial 999. (In the us, where I live, it is 911, but in England I think it's 999.)

*Kinda short, but I gotta go! Drama! Bet ya didn't expect that, did ya! Hehe xD*

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