Little secrets...

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*Hey Guys! This is kinda a funny chapter, and it's really all over the place, so.... yea. Enjoy!*

Lexi's POV

I stretch. My first morning at Squid's house. I am really tired.. I only woke up cuz I heard lily, squid's beagle puppy ( I love the name! Reminds me of my bff lilly!) broke in to my room. I can hear squid recording some squiddy sundays. "Hello everybody and welcome back to... squiddy sundays! He says cheerfully nextdoor!I close my eyes and fall asleep.

* Time skip *

I wake up to my door opening, and my lights turning on. Wake up! I hear squid say. I pretend to be asleep. He pulls my covers down from my head, and gently shakes my body. Still no reaction. He has no idea how good I am at this. Suddenly lily jumps up on my bed and sits down right next to my head. I hold back a smile and resist to pet her. Then she does something that managed to "wake me up". She licked my neck. Her rough tongue gliding over my bare neck was enough to make me giggle. I beg in my mind that squid didn't here. He chuckles and smiles, just looking at me. "Is Lexi a little bit ticklish?" He says in my ear. I look at him, and just blink for a second. " psh, noooo! That is like- Ahahahahhaha nonhohoho! He started poking my sides and tickling my stomach. Pleaaseeeehahaha stahhp!" I plead. Why am I so ticklish?

"Fine heheahah I'm, I'm haha ticklish!!" Please stop hahaha!" He stops and asks me if I want tea. "Yes please" I say with a glare.

*Time skip*

Squid's POV

I start playing some minecraft, just for fun.I don't do this often. I start smiling when it is loading up, thinking about how ticklish Lexi is. That, was funny! I decide to start finishing some boring stuff so the viewers don't have to watch me do it. Just like every time I play I am so caught up in it I hardly acknowledge my surroundings. I place block after block, then kill a creeper, the place some more blocks. I didn't here Lexi come in to the room.

I'm sitting in my chair and decide what to do, when Lexi pounces on me. "Lexi? What the heck are you doing? Then I remember this morning. Crap. My thoughts are interrupted when Lexi starts tickling my armpits." AHHHHAHAHAH!" I scream." Nohohohohahahahahha!" Then she starts working her way down. She tickles my super sensitive stomach, just above my knee, and I didn't even know I was ticklish there, and then worst of all, down to my feet. "Haha! You're more ticklish than me! Wow! That was so funny! You were screaming like a little girl!" She teases."Well you were screaming like a..

umm... an even littler girl!" I say. *Face Palm* I think. "Hey, I won't tell anyone that you're ticklish, if you don't tell anyone that I am ticklish, okay?" Please say yes, please say yes... I think. "Deal" She says. Phew!

*Well... it certainly was... an... interesting chapter... comment if you liked it! Thanks!*

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