xliv - something new

Start from the beginning

"Why? You know we don't work that way," he says sternly.

"It's Jasmine Bello."

"Holy shit," he muffles the phone and I can hear him tell Aria to which she said the same thing.

"Alex...," he must've switched me to speaker, "you can have my assistant if you give her to me, I've been trying for years to get her."

I laugh, of course Aria knows of her too , "except her resume fell into my hands."

"Damnit , my PA is great ," she tries to convince me.

"Good, keep him," I laugh out loud again.

"If she doesn't mesh well with you , please send her my way," she begs.

"What do I get in return?"

"My personal assistant," she says with all seriousness.

"Don't let him hear you say that," I warn.

"Whatever . Don't let her go, also, I want to meet her too . Damn, you lucky son of a ---" and that's when Warren got back on the line .

"Do the interview but have HR in the office with you . You'll probably give her the position anyway, might as well save her the trip," Warren advises .

"Okay , thanks War, I'll let you know how things turn out. Have fun visiting Trip." We hang up and his temp is back in my office .

"I have Jasmine on the phone , sir," she says to me.

"Anytime is good," I tell her.

"Can she come in now?" She asks slyly .

I narrow my eyes , "did you know I was going to say yes?"

Shyly she nods and I sigh, "okay, send her in but also ask HR to come up with interview forms and new hire packet," she nods again but this time excitedly.

Ten minutes later head of HR is in my office as we wait for Jasmine to arrive. I'm in the middle of going over interview questions when we get a knock on the door to let me know Jasmine was here .

In walks in a beautiful woman , one that exudes a certain charisma surrounding her. It was like a glowing light illuminated her body when she entered, "Hello, I'm Jasmine Bello," she says as she extends her arm out .

"Please , sit . Let's get this interview started," I managed to say as I shook her hand. She had long loosely curled black hair that rested to the middle of her back . Minimal makeup but enough to complement her olive tanned skin . Large brown eyes , cute button nose and a very well fitting dress that hugged her hourglass shape. It was going to take all of my energy to not be distracted by her obvious beauty.

An hour passed by the time we concluded the interview and paperwork process . She exceeded expectations and I knew I didn't need to see anyone else , "Miss Bello, would you be able to begin work tomorrow morning at 8?" I ask her.

"Definitely, would you like coffee ready when I come in?" She asks.

"Yes, a splash of creamer ," I tell her , "before you leave, I'd like for you to go on down to human resources to finish up there . They'll get your key card ready for tomorrow . Any other questions please feel free to ask anyone .

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