Fight! Sting vs Kira

Start from the beginning

"I'm just that strong! She doesn't stand a cha--"

"I believe she can beat you now. When was the last time you two sparred?"

"Uh, a couple months ago I think. Emi, what're you--"

"She can definitely get a tie with you now. I believe in her. Meet me in the park in ten minutes."

Before she could get a response, Emi ran out the door. She caught up to Kira quickly and grabbed her shoulder.

"You're fighting Sting in the park in ten minutes."

"What? No! Emi, I can't. I'm not--"

"You are definitely strong enough. I've seen you improve so much just since I've met you."

"I really don't think that--"

"You pushed me to be my best self, and now I'm doing the same thing to you. You've learned so many new and powerful spells. I believe in my heart that you will be able to match him. You just have to believe in yourself."

Kira looked uncertain before she sighed and followed Emi to the park. When they got there, they saw all of Phoenix Wing standing there, including Master Rue. Kira began to pale and try to back away, but Emi held her by the ear and dragged her over to the field. She looked into Kira's eyes and whispered to her.

"I believe you can do it. I believe because I believe in you."

Emi backed away from her best friend before running over to where the others were, leaving Sting and Kira facing each other in the field. Sting was smirking.

"I never thought I would fight you again! Are you ready to lose?"

A fire burned in Kira's heart as her usual sarcastic demeanor reappeared.

"I'd like to see you try, dragon boy. I'll beat your ass."

The match started when Sting released his White Dragon Roar, causing Kira to jump out of the way. She landed on her feet and stood up straight with her arms hung in the air.


Water from the nearby rivers came floating above them before it exploded into different water spikes. Everyone looked on in astonishment.

"Since when can she--"

"She's been working very hard in the time that I've known her. She asks to spar with me every chance we get, and she's always training. It's no surprise to me that she's able to cast more powerful spells. Plus," Emi's eyes twinkled, "I've been showing her different spell books for water spells."

Sting's eyes widened as he tried to dodge all the water. He ended up getting cut by a spike as he jumped away. He then cast his White Dragon Holy Breath to cancel the rest of her spell. Kira smirked before she cast her Sea Serpents spell, causing two giant serpents to rush at Sting. He used his Holy Breath again to turn the serpents into vapor before rushing at her, aiming to use his White Dragon Claw to immobilize her. Kira looked over at Emi, as if asking for permission for something. Emi made eye contact with Kira before enthusiastically waving her hands as she cheered.

"I'll try out one more spell before that one. Jet of Steam!"

Kira's hands heated up as a thin and focused jet of boiling water flooded out of her palms. Sting jumped back and cast Holy Ray, which seemed to cancel out Kira's spell. They both looked at each other before Kira smiled brightly and cast her final spell.

"Pressure Sphere!"

At her command, water came rushing at Sting before forming a bubble around him. Sting smirked before getting ready to break through her spell. He was, however, met with the water pressurizing into an unbearable weight. He felt like his insides were turning. The bubble moved so it touched the ground, and Sting fell to his knees as the pressure knocked him down.

"No way," all of Phoenix Wing gasped.

Sting looked up as he struggled to see Kira smiling so big that her eyes were closing. He continued to fight the pressure, but he was eventually forced completely on the ground. Emi signalled for Kira to stop the spell before she ran over and hugged the purple haired wizard. Kira started crying, making the cloaked girl hug her tighter.

"You did it!"

"Holy shit! I did it! I beat Sting!"

"How...did you--"

"Emi's been training me. That's why we fought so often. Maybe you should've joined every once in a while instead of laying there under the tree and sleeping."

Emi quickly healed Kira before turning her attention to Sting and healing him.

"Hey Sting, now it looks like three of us can beat you," Rin smugly stated.

"You act as if you're one of them," Ursa muttered.

"Who are the people who can beat Sting?" Emi inquired.

"You, Master Rue, and now Kira."

"Wait, seriously. So that means that--"

"That's right!" Sting exclaimed, back to normal. "I'm the strongest member of Phoenix Wing!"

Kira coughed, "You were the strongest member of Phoenix Wing. Now I believe we have someone who can kick your ass in her sleep. And you also have me to compete with now."

Everyone laughed as Sting pouted in the field. 

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