Sleepover: Emi Style

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"Sleepover! Sleepover!" Emi sang as she gathered her blankets and moved them into Laxus's room.

"If you keep screaming the deal is off," Laxus hissed.

Emi sprinted into the room and threw her blankets on the bed.

"Juvia thinks Emi seems so much happier and more energetic than when she had her memories."

"Wouldn't you if you didn't remember everyone dying?" Cana chimed in.

Laxus followed her into the room and grabbed some clothes from his dresser and walked into the bathroom.

"Oh right! PJs!" Emi gasped as she started to change.

"Okay brat we can do this two ways. First one is--"

Emi and Laxus looked at each other with wide eyes.

"Uh, never mind. Call me when you're, uh, dressed."

Sting growled and turned to Laxus to yell at him, but Emi grabbed his hand and pulled him back.

"It was just no pants, Sting. Besides, he didn't mean it."

Emi stood there for a second before snapping out of it and quickly putting on some sleep pants and opening the door to call Laxus. He came back and walked over to the bed without looking at her.

"Oh come on, you big baby. It wasn't that bad."

"I'm not getting killed."


Laxus waved it off and sat on the bed.

"We should play a game! It's not a sleepover unless there's a game."

"Brat, are you forgetting that we live together? It's nothing different."

"Nonsense!" Emi screamed as she pointed a finger at the lightning wizard. "We still need a game. I know, we can play the secret game!"

"You don't remember enough to have any secrets," he reminded, bored.

Emi puffed her cheeks and crossed her arms, speaking sarcastically, "Okay then, mister buzzkill, what do you suggest?"

Laxus thought for a minute before a smirk appeared on his face, saying, "I have the perfect game."

Emi's eyes sparkled as she waited for his explanation. He continued to smirk as he walked over to her and picked her up. She started laughing and squirming as he carried her over to the bed and placed her down.

"I will kill you," Sting threatened.

Laxus rolled his eyes and looked at him with a flat expression.

Laxus leaned in so his face was close to hers and whispered, "It's called the 'get to sleep or you don't get any more sleepovers' game."

Emi groaned in disappointment before mumbling, "Here I thought you actually had a game. I got excited for nothing. Thanks a lot."

The dragon slayer opened the blankets on his side and silently slipped in. He was able to close his eyes when he felt something on his back.

"No. Get over to the other side."

"But I don't like it over there."

"What the fuck are you talking about? It's the same thing as this side."

He groaned when he felt her inch closer. He turned his head over his shoulder to scold her.

"Are you always this clingy with people?

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