Your Turn

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"So," Kira asked as she met Sting and Emi on the platform, "how did it go? You didn't come back last night. We were starting to get worried."

"We decided to stay at an inn and wait for the morning to return."

"Oh?" Kira smirked. "Interesting."

Emi smiled, oblivious to the hidden meaning behind Kira's response. She told them that she would meet them back at the guildhall in an hour and disappeared into the typical crowds of Crocus. The white haired woman quietly slipped to the edge of town to see a figure sitting on the roof of an abandoned building.

"I'm surprised I caught you before you left."

"You're in luck then," Mystogan laughed. "I'm staying in town for another day before I go back to Fairy Tail for another job."

Emi sat down next to him on the roof and dangled her legs.

"I heard you took a job at the royal's ball. Very gutsy of you."

"I was spotted by someone who worked for the Sins."

"Do you have to run again?"

"I took care of him," Emi coldly replied. "I'll do whatever it takes to protect my friends."


Emi was laying under a tree in the park when Sting found her. He tugged at her cloak, causing her eyes to snap open. Sting laughed before apologizing.

"You look sick," Emi pointed out.

"Um, actually," Sting tried to respond, "I have something to ask you."

"Hm?" Emi pushed as she sat up.

She patted the spot next to her and motioned for him to join her under the tree.

"I was wondering if--"

"Sting, Emi! There you guys are. We're leaving soon."

Sting sighed before grabbing Emi's hand and pulling her up. Emi asked him what he was going to ask, but was met with Sting shaking his head and pulling her behind him.

"It can wait until later."


"Lady Emiko! I want to hang out with you today."

Emi looked over her shoulder and saw Sting running after Lector. The exceed had maneuvered through the crowds and floated in front of Emi. Sting had finally caught up to Lector before yelling at him to not run off. Lector turned to Sting before waving his paw accusingly.

"You're the one who said I should ask."

"Ask what? To hang out? You know you don't have to ask, Lector."

"Actually," Sting sheepishly continued, "I was going to ask if you would watch Lector for a few days while I go on a job."

"We can hang out the whole night! And then we can have breakfast together! And then we can--"

"As you can see, he's a little excited."

Emi laughed and looked towards Lector, smiling. She held up a hand and the two of the high fived before Emi turned to the dragon slayer.

"We'll make sure to have tons of fun without you!"

Sting sighed before thanking her and waving goodbye to the pair. Lector and Emi rushed off to the hill to watch the clouds.

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