note from the author

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just before we get started I wanted to disclose some stuff to you guys...

this is the REWRITTEN version of the original book (the mind of a mind reader) everything about the book has been changed aside from the character's names pretty much.

If you REALLY wanna read the original one then PM me or comment and we can probably arrange something. Maybe?

I only just decided to rewrite the series, (like today - 14th/March/2021) so be patient with me as I change literally everything about my characters and storyline.

Okay thanks 😽

I don't really know what else to let's just get the novel started, shall we?

so let's just get the novel started, shall we?

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ps. all rights reserved, copyright, please don't steal my work, it destroys ALL authors when someone carelessly copies the words we've worked so hard in writing. do not do it. No parts may be replicated or reproduced in any way, shape or form. Be a good human and don't take what's not yours. I'm warning you! my giant stuffed animals will HUNT YOU DOWN...and all that jazz @mads_coffee 2021 - Madeleine Preston

enough rambling. if you read that, ily and enjoy : )

^^ I felt like putting that in there 🤷‍♀️

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^^ I felt like putting that in there 🤷‍♀️

mads 🌻

A Suicidal Boy and the Girl Who Could Read His MindWhere stories live. Discover now