Author's Note

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First, I'm so sorry. I know I was supposed to try for an early update. The week just somehow flew by. The next chapter will be up in minutes, I hope it makes up for the wait.

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Next, Brains Meets Brawns has over 1k reads! I know it's not a lot compared to a lot of other books but it means a lot to me so thank you so so much. To my silent readers, I love you but pretty please leave a comment or a vote. I still love you but it will mean a lot to me. The fact that you're giving this story a go alone means more than you know... thank you.

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Now, unto the main reason for this note. Covers! I know the cover I've had so far was sort of... bland. A friend who wishes to not be advertised due to laziness (we've all been there) -he's really good though- helped me with two amazing covers. I'll use the second one but I just really wanted to put them here for you to admire.

P.S. is it just me or are those stars really cool? It has this romantic feel that gets to me.

This is going to become the official cover of Brains Meets Brawns. Isn't it so professional?

In case he ever stumbles on this, thank you so much I_J! (It's only your initials so hopefully, no one figures it out).

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