41 - His cover had been blown and he was in trouble

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I warned Ian not to show up at my school today to avoid fueling any doubts about my side of the story but I expected him to meet me at the library afterwards. I just assumed he would. It was routine and I was dying to tell him about the Claire drama.

But he didn't show.

All day long.

I wasn't proud to admit it but I looked up, every time the library doors opened, half expecting, half hoping it would be him.

It never was.

He didn't creep in through my window when I got back home either.

Objectively, I knew I was due for an 'off' day from him with all the stalking time he had put in recently. It had been about two weeks without him bailing even once so, yeah, he was entitled to some time off. For some reason though, I felt incomplete without him around. I was already so used to his constant presence that his absence completely threw me off.

He was nowhere to be seen the following day either. I couldn't stand it. Two 'off' days in a row wasn't abnormal based on past precedent, especially at the beginning when he first started following me around. I wouldn't have batted an eyelash then, but now, I was antsy. On edge. Reeling, even.

I was used having him around all the time. Even when I didn't want him there. His sudden unexplained absence left me unsettled.

He was a no-show the day after as well and the day after that too.

Anxiety had its claws deep in me. It didn't help that I couldn't shake the niggling fear the he had been made. That his cover had been blown and he was in trouble. My date with Trevor went awry because of it. I didn't have Ian's phone number but I figured he had mine so every time my phone buzzed, I hoped, prayed it'd be him.

It never was.

Trevor couldn't stand the fact that I was so distracted over another guy on our first date even though I explained that I was only worried because Ian was probably in trouble.

"I'm sure his girlfriend will make sure he's fine," was what Trevor said.

"They broke up," I informed him, anxiously checking my phone as it buzzed again after the last message from my stupid service provider. "Anyway, she doesn't know what I know," I added absently.

This time, it was a text from Olly informing me that our mom would be home in two weeks. The case was apparently finally wrapping up.

At my addition, Trevor had frowned.

He cocked his head to the side. "You know more about him than his girlfriend?" His tone was less than ecstatic.

I glanced at him, taking in his accusatory stare.

"It's not like that. He didn't tell me. I figured it out. Sort of accidentally walked into it," I explained.

"And now they're broken up." He fixed me with a meaningful stare.

"No." I shook my head. "No. It's not like that. I didn't get between them." I forced a laugh. "Their relationship was supposedly already falling apart."

"Because he likes you," Trevor surmised flatly.

"No, because they are... were long distance. I don't know. It's complicated." I gave a one shoulder shrug, my eyes narrowing in irritation. "He doesn't like me. That's what's important."

"Look, I like you, Avy but I don't want 'complicated.' Simplify it or call it before we go too far."

My eyes narrowed, annoyance clear on my features.

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