04 - I'm not eloping with my boyfriend

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I woke up the following morning with an unshakable feeling of impending doom which wasn't exactly hard to understand given the way my life had been going recently. I was really starting to give credit to the voodoo doll idea because this much bad luck just wasn't natural. Someone somewhere had to have a voodoo doll of me that they were poking all too liberally.

Fortunately, I got through breakfast without incident. Mostly. Unless you counted my mom complaining about the listicle I had written for the online magazine owned majorly by my aunt about the top things to do over summer break. Sure, it included a less than PG 13 getaway with your boyfriend but it wasn't like I was going to do it. I was just informing the readers of their options.

Contrary to her belief, it wasn't my way of indirectly telling her that I planned on eloping with my boyfriend. I didn't even have one for heaven's sake.

If she could get off my case for five minutes, she'd see that the response to that particular article had been really good. I made the article witty, quirky and sarcastic in that cool funny way that people, judging from their response, loved. Aunt Diane loved it at least. Olly too but then again, Olly most likely loved it for the wrong reasons. I mean she did make us go to an illegal fighting arena.

Yes, she was never going to live that down.

School passed by without any real event. There was a minor hiccup but it was perfectly manageable. One of my debate partners fell ill with the flu which meant I was down one person for the debate but it wasn't such a big deal. Thankfully, it was an internal debate and not an official one so I could just take her place along with mine but the teacher in charge wanted one of the backups to do it since they rarely ever got to actually participate. It wasn't even a big deal at all.

Eric and Ralph from the opposing team were gunning for me -Ralph just plain and simple hated me for being so good at everything-  but I could beat them even in my sleep so I wasn't the least bit worried. I'd never lose an argument. I was going to be the best lawyer this world had ever seen and I wasn't going to get there by losing arguments. Not to brag or anything but for as long as I could remember, only my mom could stand against me in an argument. And I was still a kid. She happened to a senior partner at the biggest law firm in the country.

In a few years, I'd be virtually unstoppable.

The bothersome part of my day that intensified the feeling of impending doom I woke up with was the fact that I couldn't shake the feeling I was being watched. Like creepy stalker kind. After leaving school, I could've sworn someone was tailing me but I couldn't outright pinpoint anyone suspicious or entirely shake the very reasonable doubt that it was all in my head. Given all that had happened recently, it could just be in my head but then again, I wasn't one for dramatics. My observations and deductions were almost always if not always spot on.

Either way, I wasn't liking my options.

Then there was Masked Idiot. He knew where I lived and he broke into my house. Who was to say he wouldn't stalk me too? Last night, I had threatened him out of my room so he could be wary of confronting me up close and personal again and have decided that watching me from afar would have to do.

However, I'd like to think now that he'd had time to think it over he could see the wisdom of my actions. The idea that I was somehow interested in his identity was laughable. At best. I wasn't even a boxing enthusiast. I didn't at all want to go to the arena. Left to me, I never would've stepped foot there and honestly, I wasn't sure I wanted to know how Olly found out about that place.

Unfortunately, he was a criminal and no matter how I looked at it, him stalking me wasn't so farfetched. Heck, it seemed like the next viable option from his point of view. Follow her around, make sure she isn't talking to anybody she isn't supposed to be talking to.

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