40 - Join the convent

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News about Claire spread faster than I anticipated. By the next block, the whole school seemed to be in the know.

St. Claire's rumor mill at its finest.

Even I couldn't have predicted that. Turns out I wasn't the only one who wanted Claire in the mud. Realistically, I knew I couldn't be the only one but I hadn't expected any help from anyone else. Claire could be quite terrifyiing even when she was playing nice so I figured everyone else would be too much of a coward.

I underestimated how much resentment could fester behind faked smiles.

People were whispering things behind her back before the end of day and not in the concealed way. In the obvious I-want-you-to-know-I'm-talking-about-you-what-the-hell-are-you-going-to-do-about-it way.

As expected, she was in the foulest of moods and out for blood.

My blood.

So it's wasn't a surprise when she cornered me on my way out after school let out.

Unfortunately for her, I had company.

I was with Mae, Tony and Zach. It had been a while since Zach and I really kicked back and talked. He was one of my closest friends and in a little while, we would all ship off to our various colleges. I guess we both just wanted to get in all the hangout time we could even if it meant walking together to the parking lot which we normally rarely ever did.

Mae, on the other hand, was still nursing a crush on Zach. She dragged Tony along to make herself less conspicuous.

Zach was telling us -mostly me- about a new play he worked out for the team. A part of me knew we may never get to do it again. A tradition we had upheld since ninth grade was finally coming to an end.

I would never admit it out loud but the nostalgia of graduation was starting to get to me.

A lot more than I had expected. It wasn't saying a lot since I hadn't expected it at all but still, it was something.

My phone buzzed in my hand.

I hurriedly checked the message and shot back a reply before Claire descended on us.

It was a new text from Trevor.

I'm sure you thought I wouldn't get that one. Unfortunately for you, I once dated a girl who was a huge fan.

I bit my lip to keep from smiling and shot back a text just as Claire finally reached us.

Talking about your exes now... Bold.

"Do you know what you've done?" She snarled.

"You're going to have to be more specific," I replied offhandedly.

Her lips curled back, revealing perfect little white teeth.

Zach started to step forward, to diffuse the hostile atmosphere but I waved him away.

"It's fine," I informed him.

"You made everyone think I broke them up." She hissed.

Mae sighed wearily, a put out expression that had me suppressing laughter took hold of her features as students started loitering, blatantly watching the showdown.

"Didn't you?" I arched a brow. "You seem to forget. I didn't accuse you. I was talking to Mae and you chipped in with details you couldn't have known unless..."

I shrugged nonchalantly, my expression daring her to try to weasel her way out of this.

"Oh please. Don't act like you're sorry their relationship ended. You've texting and smiling at your phone all day."

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