Chapter 94: Alliance

Start from the beginning

A few seconds later, the dungeon's rusted door burst open. Five soldiers dressed in the red and black leather armor of the Chaos Order marched in, malicious intent reflected in lascivious eyes and cold sneers.

At the lead was a middle-aged wisben with morbid, horrible eyes. Battle and blood had made his face hard and taut. The black sash that dropped from his shoulders added an air of authority. He seemed to be higher ranked than the soldiers that followed respectfully behind. The wisben stopped in front of the cell that held the newest resident of their dungeon.

He glanced coldly at the two ghouls that guarded the entrance, then snorted. These mindless things once again forgot they were supposed to bow in his presence. Tch, he would have to send them for reprogramming. Before that, however, "Open the gate!"

The ghoul to his right had small tufts of white hair sticking out his headwrap. The wisben paid no heed to that, however. It was quite common when they reanimated a corpse before it began to decay. He watched as the corpse took a key that hung on its pocket and opened the cage door.

Hmph. This was one of the advantages of using corpses instead of people. Once bound to a ruler, they would only listen to his commands. No other person in the entire Kingdom, aside from Lord Froy himself, could force these things to go against his order. After opening the cage, the white-haired corpse stepped out the way.

The wisben snorted, then stepped into the cell, an arrogant swagger evident in his steps. And why not? He was the supreme jailer. His word spelled the difference between life and death in these cells. A prisoner's status or identity meant squat as long as they were down here. Whether Resident or Summoned, they were his slaves as long as they were down here.

The wisben's lecherous gaze swept over the female who was slumped against the wall, hands behind her back. Damn, his heart trembled like it had been assaulted by blood magic. Try as he might, he could not tear his eyes off the beauty in front of him.

Aqua blue hair like a curtain of oceans spilled haphazardly around a petite oval head but did nothing to hide a pair of flaming eyes, which seemed to dance between green and blue as the lanterns flickered. A pair of thin luscious lips were pressed into a thin, seductive line, which served to inflame further the wisben's desire to see her break.

This soft, subtle beauty was not like the explosive rapture that could cause countries to lose their minds and fight over her. No, her magnificence was hidden behind a modest exterior that might be passed over on the first glance. But the more one fixated on her, the stronger they were drawn in, with no hope of escape. Indeed, a master painting. One could not help but be attracted the more they examined, but even more so, was the sense of ethereal frailty. Like she would disappear if she were touched.

In all the years of this wisben's life, he had never experienced such a force of natural splendor. It took all he had to keep his mental faculties in check. Of course, how was he to know that aside from Lunette's natural beauty, her extremely high Charm stat made most people putty in her hands?

Especially weak-willed Residents.

Watching this foul excuse for a man leer at his sister caused every bone in Shadow's body to scream in protest. Outside, his exterior was as calm as ever, empty even. But within lurched a storm that threatened to consume him if he did not find a way to quiet it. And right now, the only thing he could think of was to destroy this asshole till there was nothing left. However, his sister would not even permit this. His eyes briefly met hers, but they conveyed all she wanted to say.

Shadow could only grit his teeth and watch. But, if this pervert so much as laid a finger on her...

Lunette glared at the high-ranking wisben. How much so, she wasn't entirely clear, but she would see how much she could get out from him without giving away her plans. To do this, she would have to take a playbook from the most despicable person she knew. Gritting her teeth, her brows knitted together in a show of repressed fury. "Who are you?" Her voice was confident, but not too sure.

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