"Oh my gosh! You have Hulu. It's not my favorite, but look! They have Mulan!" I suggest enthusiastically, clicking on the movie.

"It's an animated film," I explain as Steve settles comfortably on the couch. For the rest of the afternoon, we end up ordering more pizza and other delicious treats.

Just as we're getting into the movie, my phone vibrates, and I let out a sigh. "It's like he has a timer," I remark, referring to Fury's impeccable timing.

"What is it?" I ask, unimpressed. "I'm kind of busy at the moment."

"It's... a friend," I say, glancing at Steve, who simply nods in confirmation.

"I'll talk to you later, Fury," I inform him. I didn't want to reveal too much and risk Fury's wrath. Oops.

"Sorry, it was my boss asking me to do some crazy stuff," I say as I divert my attention back to the screen.

"I've noticed you don't go out much," I observe, making conversation. "Would you like to visit a comic book shop? There's a fantastic one just around the corner."

"Uhhh, sure," he responds with a smile. I can sense that he's warming up to me.

≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

"I really like this Wonder Woman comic," I say, pointing to one on the shelf. "Pick one for us too."

Steve looks around, a bit shy, and spots a shirt. "My name is Ryan, and I'm here to assist you with... Maggie," he introduces himself.

"I'm honored to be your favorite customer," I tease playfully. "Hey, grab me an XL and another L," I instruct, pointing at the shirts.

"On it. And don't forget the convention tomorrow at 12 p.m.," he reminds me.

"Yeah, I'll remember," I reply, momentarily ignoring him as I browse through more comics.

"What's this one about?" Steve asks, holding up a Green Lantern comic.

"Oh, that's Green Lantern. Not a big fan of Hal, but I love Jessica Cruz," I explain, adding it to my basket.

After purchasing our comic books, we take a leisurely stroll outside.

"Have you ever been to Broadway?" I ask, as we watch a play at the theater.

"No, I haven't," he responds. "What exactly is it?"

"In simple terms, it's like TV, but in real life, with singing and actors," I describe, reaching into my bag.

"Gum?" I offer him a piece, and his eyes widen. "Mint?"

"Yeah, I'm not a fan of bubble gum," I admit, slightly disgusted at the thought of it.

"Incidentally, when's your birthday?" I ask randomly.

"The Fourth of July," he answers. "And yours?"

"September 4," I reply.

"Alright, here's a serious question," I say with a serious tone. "More peanut butter or jelly on our sandwich?"

"Jelly?" he suggests.

"Oh no, you're one of those people," I groan in mock disappointment.

"Do you add more peanut butter?" he smirks, teasing me now.

"You're the psychopath putting extra jelly," I retort, playfully pointing it out.

"That defies every law of physics governing peanut butter and jelly sandwiches," I add with a chuckle. He laughs along with me.

"Peanut butter is... well, nasty," he muses, searching for the right word.

"Take it back!" I exclaim in mock anger. And with that, our playful argument about peanut butter and jelly sandwiches concludes.

"THERE'S A REASON WHY JELLY IS... JELLY!" I yell, playfully defending my preference.


"To think I actually liked you as a friend," I remark sarcastically, shaking my head.

We enter my apartment, and I grab the Monopoly board. "How about a game of Monopoly?" I suggest.

"Sure," he responds, ready for the challenge.

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