chapter 6: canteen dilemma

Start from the beginning

Eben had gotten Jonah's number from Coach Cameron and had messaged him asking if he wanted to grab coffee before school started which Jonah replied a minute later, saying yes and to meet at Starbucks.

"By the way, how would you feel if I gave you a defender's position", Eben pipped up suddenly.

"I would be elated", Jonah replied with a snigger, "I'm just glad that you didn't pick me as a goalie. I suck at blocking balls".

Eben smiled at his comment and Jonah could feel the butterflies in his stomach.

A soft buzz interrupted their moment and Jonah pulled his phone out from his coat pocket, a little bit annoyed. It was Corbyn.


Hey bro, where are you? Class is going to start in 10 minutes



"Shit Eben, we're going to be late!", Jonah exclaimed as he ran back to his car with Eben hot on his heels.

Jonah pretty much ran every red light he came across while Eben shrieked at his ear, "Jonah, STOP that's a RED LIGHT!"

"Sorry about that but we're going to be LATE"

they managed to arrive in school 5 minutes before the bell rang.

Eben bursted out laughing, "man, that was insane! We need to do it again sometime"

Jonah smiled, feeling the butterflies resurrect from his stomach as he thought about getting to spend more time with Eben, "Yea, we really should".

They locked eyes for a moment and broke away when the first warning bell rang.

"I gotta go, Jonah! I'll see you later during practice!"

"See you Eben!"


Zach was sitting in the library, bored out of his mind. Right now it was lunch time but since he didn't had any friends, he hardly spent any time in the canteen. He didn't wanted to sit alone and look like a loner so he would usually pack some sandwiches and eat them wherever he could.

Zach was about to slump back down to the table when he suddenly had an idea. He pulled out his cell phone and typed a message to Jack. They were friends and Zach knew his friends too. "Maybe they'll let me sit with them", he thought hopefully.



Jack was at his usual table with his friends when he heard a soft ping coming from his phone.

He pulled his phone out from his pocket and his heard did somersaults when he saw the contact name.

"Guys, Zach just messaged me!", he exclaimed excitedly.

"What did he say?", Daniel asked curiously.

Jack skimmed the message, "he asked if he could sit with us", he said, looking up.

"Say yes!", Corbyn urged.

Beaming at his friends, he replied Zach. Seconds later, he looked back up again, " he said he's on his way"

Jack sat up straighter, trying to look over everyone's heads as he waited for a certain brunette to enter the canteen. While Jack was scouting for Zach, Corbyn turned his attention back to Jonah.

"Jonah, why were you late today?", he asked, "usually you're really punctual"

"Well, I had coffee with Eben and we lost track of time", Jonah said sheepishly.

"Omg JEBEN!", Daniel whisper shouted before crackling up as he watched Jonah turned red.

"Shut up!", Jonah complained but he was smiling.

"He's here!"

The three watched as Jack leap out from his seat to greet Zach.

"He really likes Zach, doesn't he?", Daniel whispered to Corbyn who nodded back in response, "it's sweet though"

Jack showed up minutes later with Zach next to him. Zach slid into a seat next to Jack and smiled awkwardly at them, "thanks for letting me sit with you guys", he said softly.

"Hey, no problem", Jonah smiled at the younger boy, "you're welcome to sit with us anytime you like. After all, you are our friend"

That made the younger boy smile.

"Thank you", he said gratefully before laughing and talking with the others as if they've been best friends for years.

"Zach fits right in to our group, don't you think? He makes it more lively and exciting with his bubbly personality", Jonah whispered to Corbyn and Daniel.

"Yeah, he does", Corbyn said almost fondly, "it's hard to think that he's the same age as us, it feels like he's a lot younger and we're his older brothers"

"Actually, he skipped a grade, if I remember correctly", Daniel pipped up, "so technically he is younger than us"

The three watched as Jack listened to Zach's joke, transfixed. If the heart eyes emoji was a person, Jack would be the perfect one for it.

"Well then, why dont we add him into our group chat?", Corbyn suggested.


I'd like to give a special shoutout to lazydbesson for all her comments and support

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I'd like to give a special shoutout to lazydbesson for all her comments and support. Thank you sm for all your funny and lovely comments, they mean so so much to me. I dedicate this chapter to you -🕊🌿🌫

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