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Better late than never 😉


It's been two weeks since the funeral and I think I can say that I'm doing better now. I did cry nonstop for the first few days but I'm slowly feeling myself again. Having Korra and my dad around me almost all the time really helped too. They both keep trying to persuade me to leave the apartment and move in with either of them but I don't think I can. I know I shouldn't be by myself too often but I'd rather much have it this way.

Korra doesn't have to go to work every day so she spends all of her free time with me; one of the perks of owning your own restaurant. Normally, it would be annoying to have her loud ass around all the time but I've grown to like it now. I appreciate the company.

"Riona get your butt out here right now!"

I take that back.

I drag my feet out of the room with my robe over my pyjamas. I enter the living room and stare at Korra for a few minutes, contemplating on whether to voice my concern or not. Something must have happened because she's sprawled out in an awkward position on a yoga mat with tiny blue dumbbells in her hands. She seems to be exercising. A shiver runs down my spine as I edge closer to her.

"Korra, sweetie. Are you alright?" She stands up from her position on the mat, sets the dumbbells down and wipes her forehead with the towel around her neck. I visibly gulp as she sits on the couch beside me.

"Yeah I'm okay, why're you asking?" She picks up a water bottle from the coffee table and squirts water in her mouth. My uneasiness reaches its peak.

"Honey what are you doing? Did something happen? You seem to be exercising." I place my hand on her shoulder and give her a concerned smile. She looks at me with a confused face for some time before bursting into laughter.

"What do you mean? I am exercising." She stands up again and starts to do jumping jacks. I abruptly stand up, grab her shoulders and start shaking her, hard.

"Who are you and what have you done with my sister?" She pries my fingers off her and shoves me to the couch.

"I'm doing this because of you silly. Now go get changed and we'll begin." I don't move an inch from my position on the couch as I look up at, waiting for a better explanation.

"I finally signed you up for your Lamaze classes and it's starting in two days. But then I realized that you obviously aren't exercising so we need to get you warmed up." She pulls me up and pushes me towards my room.

"Now get changed and don't make me come into that room." She says as she slams my bedroom door and walks back to the living room.

Come to think of it, I didn't even remember that I had to start birthing classes soon. It's a good thing I have Korra around. Her overbearing self can be useful from time to time.

Taking as much time as possible, it slip out of my pyjamas and pull on the tank top and grey leggings that have been dying to be worn for so long. They even still had their tags on.

"We're exercising, not going to Buckingham palace. Get it over with already." Korra calls from the living room. With a huff, I finally leave the room and drag my feet back to the living room.

"That's what took so much time to wear? Don't think you're getting out of this that easily. Roll out the other mat and follow my lead."

Today is going to be a very, very long day.


"Now pick up the dumbbells and give me twenty more squats. GO!"

Slowly turning my head to face Korra, I give her a long wide-eyed stare before tossing the dumbbells to the ground and collapsing on the mat.

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