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MONDAY, 9:45 P.M

Korra gently opens the door as if afraid of what's on the other side.

"Hey." She comes in with a tray of food in her hands and shuts the door with her foot.

"The doctor says you have to eat, Ree. You haven't eaten since you woke up. I made this myself so don't worry, it tastes good." She sets it beside me and the smell of mashed potatoes and gravy fills the air.

I keep staring straight ahead, at the blank TV screen in front of me. I see a dark reflection of myself. I look miserable, and not just on the inside. What did I ever do to deserve all this crap? I've already paid for everything I did in the past. That life is far behind me and I have no intention of going back to it. Then why is everything just going wrong? Doesn't karma know when to stop? I don't deserve this, no one does.

My life up to the moment I met Asher was hell. But as soon as we met, everything turned around. I thought I could finally be happy with a decision I made – the decision to move on with my life and only be happy. I couldn't even do that.

"It's all gone now." I had one job, just one. Keep the baby alive. And even that, I couldn't do by myself. I'm useless.

She turns to me, puzzled.

"The only thing I had left of him is gone now and I feel so empty." Her face relaxes as she starts to understand what I'm talking about. A lone tear makes its way down my face.

"Look Ree, I know. I can't even begin to understand how you're feeling now but I know how Asher would feel if he were here." I turn to look at her for the first time since she entered the room.

"He'd want you to be happy, not starving yourself. He'd say that no matter what happened, he still loves you and wants you to be happy. So if you won't eat for me, eat for him."

She's right. All he ever wanted is for me to be happy and I know that too. If I'm not sure of nothing else in my life, I can be sure that Asher only ever wanted the best for me all the time, even if it didn't work out so well for him.

With a sigh I sit up in the bed, "I wasn't starving myself, I just don't like hospital food."

"There you go." She laughs and hands me the tray.

I empty the bowl in a matter of seconds and Korra laughs as she hands me a cup of milk to accompany the meal.

"Thanks." Her expression turns serious again. She squeezes my right hand and looks into my eyes.

"Are you okay?"

"Of course not. But I will be, just not now." She flashes a weak, understanding smile and nods.

"That's fine. Just stay with me okay? Don't do anything stupid."

"I'll try." She laughs and climbs into the small bed.

"I'm not sleeping on that uncomfortable chair today."

I throw the blanket over us and she strokes my hair as we drift off to sleep.


"So how're you feeling today?" Trevor asks as he looks through my chart.

"I'm hungry today." He laughs and hangs the chart back in place.

"That's a good sign." He checks the IV and the monitor.

"Any pain or discomfort?"

"No." He gives me a side glance as if he knows I'm lying.

"Okay. I'll tell the nurses to bring your lunch in a few minutes." He closes the door behind him and Korra opens it again.

"Hey Ree. Guess who I brought with me. It was a hassle getting him cleared but he's here." Sam runs up from behind Korra, pulling her along as he jumps on the bed.

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