12 4 18

This chapter was scheduled for 2 weeks ago but I am forgetful. And I am as lazy as I am forgetful.


"Do you really have to go to work today? I'm already bored and you haven't even left yet." I pout shamelessly.

"Yes, I do. Aren't you tired of asking this already? You've been asking me the same thing for over a week now. Besides, with the amount of time I've spent off work in the past few months, I fear my employees will start a coup or something."

I throw my hands in the air like a child and stomp to the couch in the living room, landing on it with a puff.

"I'll be back before you even realize it. Love you." Korra places a kiss on my head before heading out.

As soon as the door shuts, I run to the kitchen and set the timer for four minutes. Taking the timer with me, I head into the bedroom and quickly throw my clothes on. Black suit pants, a red ruffle sleeve blouse and heels. There is no way I am letting Jennifer tower over me today.

The timer starts to ring and as I look out the window, Korra's car zooms out of the underground parking and unto the street. I grab the first purse my hand lands on in the closet and stuff my phone, wallet and the key card I snagged. I turn off the lights and start to head out.

Was the timer even necessary?

No, I just felt like using it.

At the door, I stop and go through my purse for the third time.

"Flash drive, check."

"Wallet, check."

"Key card, check."

"Phone, check."

"Glasses, check."

"Keys, check."

Everything seems to be in place so I step out of the apartment, not forgetting to hug Sam on the way out.

Taking the elevator to the basement, I scan through my purse again just to be sure that I have everything. A wave of nostalgia washes over me as I mentally prep myself for the day. The thrill of being on a 'mission' again brings cold shivers down my spine.

Do you really think what you're doing makes sense? To some degree, it's considered illegal!

I know, but I'm really bored and if I don't do this, I won't be able to handle not fully understanding everything I watched yesterday.

Why are you acting like you're some sort of spy? This is ridiculous.

I turn up the radio to drown out the voice in my head who seems to wants to talk me out of this little escapade of mine. I know that none of this has anything to do with me but I'd rather get caught and arrested after getting what I want than just sit back and let my curiosity eat at my brain.

I Ienter the office address in the map and start the journey. I'm pretty sure I don't look like someone who's on their way to work with the car roof down and the radio blaring country music I don't even know. But it's fine, I'm not going there to work anyways.

I reach the office quicker than I had expected. Instead of parking by the side of the road, I take the car to the back of the building, where the staff park. I put the roof of the car down and roll up the windows as I approach the security gate.

Bringing the car to a stop at the gate, I put on my glasses and stare straight ahead, wondering what I needed to get past the gate; I didn't think this part of the plan through too well. A knock on the tinted windows startles me.

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