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I didn't realize how hard it was to put grief in words until I started to write and edit this chapter 😥



"You look gorgeous sis." Korra gives me a once-over before pulling me into a hug.

"Thanks." I mumble absent-mindedly.

"Where is Trevor? He's supposed to be here by now." I pace around the living room and kitchen, constantly checking the time on my phone.

"He'll be here. Don't worry, we won't be late." Korra assures me and on cue, the doorbell rings. I rush to the door before Korra can stand up from the couch.

"Hey Trevor how nice of you to be here on time." I say through gritted teeth. He looks around and scratches the back of his neck as he searches for words.

"I'm so sorry, I was looking for my cuffs and then I couldn't find my car keys." I wave him in and walk to my room to get my bag.

"I need to quickly use the bathroom. Give me a second." I glare at Trevor as he runs into the bathroom.

A few minutes pass and I start to tap my feet impatiently with my eyes fixed on the bathroom door. Trevor finally re-enters the room but with a confused look on his face.

He turns to Korra and asks, "Why's the mirror in the bathroom covered with white sheets?"

"Did you touch it?" I ask him before Korra can answer.


"Good. We're Irish, it's an old tradition and your fiancée is superstitious. Now can we please get going." I storm out of the apartment and the couple follow closely behind me. Korra pauses to lock the door before rushing to join us in the elevator.

The elevator takes us to the lobby and we exit the building to find Trevor's Audi e-tron SUV parked outside.

"I can see that life as the vice-president of Saint Peter's is treating you well." I admire the car before Korra opens the door to the backseat for me to enter. Trevor laughs as he gets in the driver's seat.

Trevor fastens his seatbelt as the engine purrs to life and it is the only sound in the car for the whole trip to my dad's house. I actually appreciate the silence, it gives me time to compose myself before we arrive at our destination. I know it's going to be overwhelming for me but I'm going to have to pull through. I' m the one who asked for the funeral to be today so I can't complain.

I wipe my moist palms on my black lace dress and fix my head piece as Trevor pulls into dad's ranch. As the car stops in front of the house, Korra takes my hands and gives them a tight squeeze, a reassuring squeeze.

"I'm here for you." She says as Trevor opens the door and we both get out of the car.

I look up at the house I grew up in. I haven't been to this place in years. Largely because of my hatred for the house and the memories it held, most of which were bad for me. Don't get me wrong, I love my family, I've always loved them and I had a wonderful time with them here but for some reason, ever since I finished high school I can't quite remember the good memories we shared, just the terrible things that happened.

The door swings open and dad emerges with a wine flute in his hand. He pulls me in with his free hand.

"How are you Edan?" I nod and follow behind him with Trevor and Korra with me as he re-enters the house.

The air carried slow music that seemed to be coming from upstairs, hence the softness. Dad turns into the spacious living room and we all string along. I look around and all the mirrors and glass doors are covered in white sheets too; now I know where Korra gets all her superstitions from. As we enter the living room, I recognize only a few people in the room. Asides my dad, Asher's parents, my aunts Susan and Maddie, I don't recognize the other people in the room. There were also two people from Asher's, we exchange looks as I walk past them.

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