Chapter 3

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I was supposed to update yesterday but apparently I forgot. My apologies :)


Trevor is driving and my dad is in the passenger's seat. Korra, Sam, and I are comfortably seated at the back with the windows down and Sam's head outside.

"We're just about 5 minutes out. We should be there any minute." Trevor announces.

Just 5 more minutes till I see his lifeless body. Probably badly burnt. Everyone insisted that I shouldn't come mostly because they thought that I would pass out again but being the stubborn person I am, I took the keys and stormed to the garage with Sam right behind me.

I can't do that to him. I have to be there. Besides I'm still going to see him at the funeral so why not just get it over with now. I turn to Korra to find her already looking at me, seething. I open my mouth to ask her what's wrong but she beats me to it.

"Why are you so calm dammit?" She screams with her hands in the air.

"We're going to pick up the dead body of the love of your life, the father of your unborn child and you're just so calm about it! Why? You're even smiling for Christ's sake." She's crying now.

"Alison." My dad turns to give her a warning look.

I turn to my sister and give her a small smile as I pull her in and wipe her face with the sleeves of my cardigan.

"Korra it's okay. How can you think I'm not sad? I'm more than sad, I'm broken but you of all people know that I can't dwell on that for too long. Deep inside me I'm bawling my eyes out but you know that I can't and shouldn't do that, especially not with a little monster growing inside of me." She chuckles slightly.

A few moments of deathly silence pass with me rubbing her back and my dad staring at us. She finally sighs as she pulls away.

"I'm really sorry, I'm just overwhelmed by everything. I shouldn't have said what I said." She lets out a nervous laugh as she gets a tissue from her bag and wipes her face.

"You don't need to be sorry, you've always been the softie between the two of us." We both laugh as she playfully pushes my arm.

Trevor keeps looking at us through the mirror, sporting a confused expression. I just give him a big smile and a thumbs up. I can't start to explain anything to him.

We ride in silence for a few minutes before the car stops.

"We're here." Trevor announces and everyone instantly turns to look at me.

I ignore them and open the door for me and Sam as I attach a leash to his collar. The faster we get this over with, the better. Everyone gets out and my dad takes my free hand in his and squeezes it.

We all follow Trevor into the 4 storey building. The waiting room is already filled with people. Almost everyone is in tears. How am I supposed to get through this unscathed with everyone around me crying? This is going to be harder than I thought.

We walk straight to the receptionist's table and she greets us with a smile.

"Good morning. Welcome to Phoenix International Morgue. What can I do for you today?"

Again, everyone turns to look at me.

Geez! What is wrong with these people?

"I'm here to pick up my husband's body from the Regan plane crash. I received an email saying I should come here today." Her eyes widen slightly at my bluntness.

If no one was going to say it, I would. I'd like to leave here as soon as possible.

"Ok. Right this way please." She stands up and starts to lead us through the building.

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