⋆fifty six

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kalopsia the delusion of things being more beautiful than they really are.


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When I woke up the sun had barely risen, but the extensive amount of light coming in from the large window made it hard to keep my eyes shut. I was on the couch. Sora was wrapped around my torso, and my arm was trapped beneath her head. She stirred a little, but lay quiet.

It was a weird morning. Serenity had crept through the smallest of cracks, finding itself between layer upon layer of bad thoughts and messed up sentiments, juxtaposing to an extent it baffled me even more.

What would I do? Would I remain, only until the peace did, or would I stand and face the world in the way it had set itself upon me?. I had Sora, I had Taehyung, and I had love. I was the healthiest I had been in forever, and yet my mind was tainted. But I would survive. My curiosity though, the betrayal of my own family going against me, and everything they taught me, it cut through me.

I would stay. Whatever chaos was to come, I could wait until it broke out of it's cage. I would enjoy the calm before the storm came on it's own. It would rain at some point.

A small smile appeared on my face as I looked down at the girl of my dreams. She was in my arms, next to me, giving me the warmth I craved, offering her heart without an ounce of hesitation. We were close again, and I took a vow we would stay like that forever. When she was here no matter how mundane, how bad, the rain outside my window, I was safe, shielded by her love, and there was no better feeling.

It was true that once you lost someone, you would know their worth. I had lost her one too many times to know that Sora was my everything. She was the stars in my eyes, the pink in my cheeks, the curl in my hair and the subject of every thought roaming in my head. She was my meaning. With her, I felt whole, even if I was without her too. And even if I had no purpose, loving her would be enough. I lived to love her, and life without love was nothing but a blur.

My eyes roamed over the curves on her face; her nose, her full lips, her sharp eyes, and deep colours, her long locks and lashes, her still frame that fit perfectly in mine. Mine. She was. If she wanted to be. I was hers no matter what.

She moved her eyes, lids folding up. Moving down I pressed my lips onto her bare neck, pecking her continuously as she jumped up with a sudden movement, laughter filling the room.

“Goodmorning Sora”. I spoke sweetely. Sora rubbed her eyes, trying to wake herself up. Her dark orbes travelled across the room before her gaze fixed upon me, still, beautiful. She lifted her palm up to cup my cheek and caressed it lightly for a hint of a second.

A smile spread across her face. It was nostalgic perhaps; I couldn't quite pinpoint the exact sentiment, but it was a good one. It resembled my own. Only mine had hidden regret, pain, joy and gratitude, even happiness. It was bittersweet, with a pleasant after taste. “Goodmorning Jungkook”.

Orange Deficiency〆Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now