⋆sixty three

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proposal suggestion, presentation for action

proposal suggestion, presentation for action

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We had driven around in silence for a long time before I decided to stop near a vast green field, lit by the street lights placed in its circumference. It was mostly empty, which didn't come as a surprise seeing that there weren't many houses around. It was just outside the city, left on the lonely roads for tired travellers.

Throughout the reticence, I could sense a screaming agitation in Sora's aura. As if her thoughts, feelings, and all of her being had been in turmoil. It didn't come as a surprise. After the scenario which had unfolded in front of my eyes at my first meeting with her family—who I must say didn't make a great first impression, though I would pretend I'd never seen or heard anything and leave it to a later judgement—I could tell she had become vulnerable. Pandora's box had opened, and it had dumped out monsters and darkness and she had thrown away the key. I knew of this because whenever Sora didn't intend to be sentimental, she'd remain quiet and contained. I'd wondered whether that was because she was too scared she'd say anything more or because she was ashamed. It was the strong ones who broke whenever they lost their shield. So, maybe she couldn't handle all the information that was thrown at her out of the blue. I understood. My family wasn't in harmony either, it was literally in pieces, and whichever of those had been left caused greater chaos in me than anything ever before. 

The psychology of it was strange to me, but the word family itself was linked to eternity. Despite the many cases in which families didn't survive, broke down, erupted, despite the truth and the simple fact that ours had never functioned well, to begin with, we hoped. Hope was all we had. The hope that maybe we will survive in a world where little did. Family. The place we can't choose to be matched with, but we hope works. We get promised that it's the only bond that we can rely on, that no matter what they are on our side, so when it hits us that that's not true, and the only one that's truly on our side is ourselves, it aches immensely. We lose the one thing that comforted us. Our safehouse, even if we didn't want to admit it. Then we're lost and sailing in the endless deep seas of life with no lighthouse, no safe boat and now that we're stranded it's up to whether we came prepared to be lost in sea to survive. That's too much to handle.

What felt like hours, was only two minutes. I'd let Sora take her breath, understand where she was, what we were doing, take in her surroundings, but the edge had come off, and I sat closer to her, preparing a soft voice. I placed my palm on her face and lightly grazed her cheek as I moved a strand of her hair away from her glowing, sad eyes with my fingers. "Hey" I whispered. Her eyes turned to me, but that was the only indication of her attention. "How about we go get some air?" I was hesitant because she was fragile. Nothing guaranteed that I was comforting or relaxing. Since I'd rarely been on the giving end, that uncertainty scared me. The smile that appeared on her lips, though melancholic, took that fear away. In the next couple of seconds, she jumped up with all the energy she had inside her and stepped out of the car. I could see her take a whiff of air from the window. Laughing as I admired her unique nature, I walked out beside her and grabbed her hand so I could guide her onto the field. I ran ahead. My loafers hit the long bright grass as they sunk in the soft soil beneath it. The echoes of laughter sounded fake as we went through the scenes with a fast pace moulded in with the atmosphere. The sunset was near, and the mood had been set at a calm state because of it.

Orange Deficiency〆Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now