⋆twenty eight

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outpace to dissociate oneself; to leave behind; distance.


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It was a sort of late night fiasco as I sat myself on the couch, looking outside of the window as if it were one in my mind. Questions; I had alot of them, and decision making was never one of my strengths.

I opened my phonescreen which dinged once more for––not that I was counting––the seventh time that day.

They were all from Jungkook. Starting from simple sorry's to hi's, to pleads for me to answer him back, he even called once, so when I opened my screen to the notification, I didn't expect much.


Coward, I know.


Would you forgive a coward?

My eyes widened as I read his message, and I was caught staring at the screen for a long while, probably too long. It was that I could picture his expression while he said it, read the words his lips spoke and hear his voice and it's sincerety.

There was one lingering question; Could I forgive him?.

I pressed the button on the side of my phone, throwing it onto the soft cushion next to me and falling back in defeat and the feeling of utter vulnerability that had started to wash over me.

Jungkook, Jungkook, Jungkook.

He was everything in my head, in every thought that had occupied me in the last 24 hours, and with what I had read, which stirred way more emotion than necessary, I came to admit that it was time I stopped.

11:43 read the black clock on the wall, which gave me just enough time to make myself into a human and think about something else.

I stood up decisively.

Walking to the bathroom, I stripped myself from my comfy clothes and opened the tap, water trickling down all warm and inviting and filling the place with steam. I stepped into the shower, feeling the essence of it all. It cleared my thoughts, simultaneously molding everything into an incoherant mess. 

When I walked out, all clean but feeling like my body belonged to someone else for the first time in a while, I tip-toed all the way to my bedroom to cover myself up, sitting like the woman I wanted to be for that night and looking at myself through the small desk mirror that was placed on the white-painted wood surface infront of me.

My face; there were days where I loved it and days where I did everything but that, but on it's own it was as irrepaceable as a gem. My eyes roamed from every crease to every hair , they themselves a dark brown with flecks of gold trapped inside.

Hesitantly and with a delicate, almost fragile touch, I picked the pillow up between my fingers and pressed it on the skin beneath my eyes, giving it some new life and color besides the purplish-grey hue it had gained in the span of a couple days. Once more, I slowly grabbed the mascara from the box next to me, doing what was it's single purpose and gazing at myself in sudden admiration. I looked pretty;. I finished it off with some winged eye-liner and a bold red lip, letting my hair loose from the towel and brushing through it. Then, I grabbed the first thing I saw from my closet, a bodycon dress and a pair of strappy thin-heeled shoes before I adorned my skin with a few pieces of gold jewelery and threw a shirt on to balance out the tightness.

I glanced at my figure in the mirror, happy for once.

Shoving everything I needed in my bag, I locked the door to my apartment behind me and walked out into the weirdly warmer night.

The sky was a beautiful navy color all interrupted by the white sparkle of the stars and the rare sight of airplane lights. But the moon, shape of a nail yet large and bright, stole the show. I gave myself a smile, remembering of the memories I had made on days with dazzling moons. Someone knocked into me. No longer lost somewhere in myhead, that was also the moment when I realized that I had been walking awfully slow, kind of unbalanced.

I made a turn to the right, walked down an alley and found myself outside of a lounge bar I used to hand out alot at a few months back. It was a nice place to be on your own. The people were nice, the music was good, and you could find anyone there, which gave you the option to be  anyone you wanted to aswell if ever came the need.

"Hello?" A man asked, forcing me to escape my thoughts that had been occuppying me for the past twelve minutes I had been sitting there for. "Could I get you something?". The waitor, whom I assumed he was by the tray he held between his arm and chest as he held the pad out, smiled. 

"A yes" . A paused, recalling something. "Whiskey, plain, ice".

He seemed a bit weirded out at first, but nodded kindly and walked away, not too long before he managed to come back with it in his hands. "Enjoy".

Just the smell of it reminded me of him. Whether this was a joyful event or a celebration of one thing that was not to be celebrated but lightly mourned for though was unclearn anymore. I took a sip. The taste of it resurfaced even more. His touch and his taste as we hid away in the bathroom and broke down in all of our vulnerability, the adrenaline kicking in. There was also the empty seat next to  me. That brought back his gaze, all fiery and warm, the flames struggling to contain themselves when the jealousy and every other uknown to me emotion started to boil up inside him.

Bringing up that night, I started to wonder where everything went wrong.

"H-hi, Sora right?".

Trying to put a name to a very familiar face, I scrunched my eyebrows. Silver-blonde hair, chizlled jaw, large smile.

Suddenly, that wasn't much of a question anymore.


It had all gone wrong from the start.


Who do you think it is?.

A bit less of action, alot more emotion, but I hope you enjoyed this one, can't wait for your feedback. 

Also, sorry for even slower updates, I have a tight schedule with school and it drains me sometimes to write after that.

Love :))

Orange Deficiency〆Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now