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wedding marriage ceremony

wedding marriage ceremony

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When my black heels hit the pebbled floor, the air that hit my face was heavy and I felt like I was suffocating with every breath I took. It took all of my willpower to get out of the car and step outside. From across the street, I could faintly hear the music from the ongoing dreaded wedding ceremony.

I watched Jungkook as he walked closer to me. He wore a bright smile on his face which stood out amongst his all-black suit and patent leather dress shoes. His hair was swept back away from his face, allowing me to see his beautiful features better. He was the only reason why I could stand to be there that day. He was my rock, my safe-boat. If anything went wrong, he would be there to make the pain go away. He was all I had and all I needed. No matter what, that mere thought calmed me down. He stepped beside me, opening his palm as I latched my hand with his and we walked ahead together.

My brother's wedding. The not-so-anticipated event of the year. Though I wasn't sure it deserved that title, even sarcastically. My year would be good, no matter what happened that day. There was no reason to jinx it when it had barely begun. 

We were less than a step away when Jungkook stopped mid-step. He grabbed both my hands, looked me straight in the eyes with all the galaxies and stars in which I struggled not to get lost, and for a second, his smile disappeared. A chill crept up my spine. "Sora" He muttered. His deep honey voice seemed to take the edge off me. "Whatever happens, I'm here okay? I love you, okay?". 

Such moments were when I remembered how head-over-heels I was for him. A boy called Jeon Jungkook. Him and none other. It could only be him. He made my heart flutter. In such moments the mundane reality, the routine, faded, and I felt alive again. When the stress ate me up, from the inside out, slowly killing me, Jungkook's whisper of a voice acted as a saving boat. A tune in a nightmare that shifted the monsters into a dream.

I nodded stiffly. Then, I grabbed his palm tightly.

There was nothing I could say, but I didn't have to speak for him to understand me. After so many months of being together 24/7, he could read me like an open book. At times like these that was a good thing.

We moved in through the throng of people who were conversing in delight at the garden area, putting in our best endeavors to stay close to each other. Everyone other than Jungkook and a few of my relatives were strangers, and in both cases, I didn't want to end up in forced chatter. My family hadn't seen me in so long; I'd have to take a verbal beating at every encounter and trying to make a conversation of a random topic with a random person would be awkward.

The wedding was much larger than I had expected. My parents were never one's to make an event out of things, so my lack of information led me to think that this was organized by the bride. My sister's soon-to-be wife whom I had never met. Seeing the fancy curtains and large white tent with fairy lights decorating the top of it, the large buffet in the far corner, and the Dj, I came to the fast judgment that she was financially-comfortable. I didn't analyze it further as I'd soon find out for myself.

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