
I keep my eyes closed but I can imagine that he's probably confused with what I have just said. "Aurora lives inside of me."

He lets go of me and this time I don't stop him. "What are you saying? How can she be inside of you?"

"I don't know." I'm starting to regret telling him but he was so sad and depressed earlier that I wanted to help him ease some of his pain. Instead I have just caused him to be more upset and confused.

"So you are her?" The hope that I might be his Aurora after all is evident in his voice.

"No no." I quickly deny it to avoid any further confusion but I seem to have accomplished the opposite.

"Then what are you?" He yells so loudly that if I was living a normal life someone would probably come to my rescue but no I'm the nonhuman who just ends up in the deserted allies of Seattle.

"James calm down."

"Tell me who you are!" His rage has returned and I mentally curse my big mouth. Why didn't I just keep it to myself?

"James...." I start but I stop when I hear Sky start to wake up.

"Heaven?" He's groaning and slowly gaining consciousness. "Uh, my head."

My heart thumbs as soon as I hear his voice. Oh my God he's okay! But my relief is blindsided by the fact that an out of control demon is here. I desperately want to rush over to Sky but I need to get rid of James first. I don't want Sky to see him because I wouldn't know how to explain him and I sure as hell know that James wouldn't bother with concealing his true self in Sky's presence.

"James you need to go." My tone is pleading with him to leave peacefully.

He seems to sense my desperation because he flashes an evil grin one that suggests that's he's not going anywhere, not without a fight that is. "Why? Don't you want me to say hi to the human?"

"James." I warn.

"I'm sure he would like me. I know I would, I can smell him and it's been a long day. I think I need to entertain myself."

My eyes widen as realisation hits me. Sky is bleeding and I remember Amelia saying something about demons feeding on humans just for the sake of it. Oh no!

"You will not hurt him!" I say as I fiercely block his way to Sky.

"And just who's going to stop me?"

His cockiness maddens me. Has he already forgotten what I did to him earlier. I close my eyes and less than a second later I hear the snap of my wings. I slowly rise from the ground and look down at him. He stops at looks up at me completely taken aback. That will teach him not to underestimate me. I can see my reflection in his eyes and I'm definitely not human anymore, I'm flying and my eyes are glowing, no traces of brown orbs just plain glowing light.

"You will not touch him."

He doesn't run away like I had originally thought but I can see he no longer interested in challenging me or threatening Sky. "This is not the last time you see me." He issues a warning of his own before dissapearing into the night.

When I'm sure that he's gone I'm come down from my high, literally. I really hope no one saw me but that's the least of my worries. Sky is who concerns me the most right now. I still haven't rushed to him yet because I'm scared that my appearance is lightly still not human like. I can hear him whining in pain and wondering just what exactly is going on.

"Heaven?" When he calls out my name I can't resist anymore. Throwing caution to the wind I rush towards him and kneel on the ground next to him.

"I'm right here." I say and pull him into my arms. "I'm so sorry." I whisper so quietly that I doubt he even hears it.

"What happened?" He asks.

I ignore his question. "Let's get up. It's late and we need to get home." I say to try and distract him from his line of thought.

Surprisingly he obliges and together we get off the ground. "Can you walk?" I ask, wanting to know if James inflicted more damage to my boyfriend than I thought.

"Yes." Sky answers irritatedly. "Heaven what's going on." He asks again.

"Let's just go home."

"No. Tell me what happened!"

I sigh, I didn't want to have to do this but my boyfriend has left me with no choice. I grab his head and slam my mouth against his. Sky, who's obviously taken aback by my attack, tries to resist but I harden the kiss, forcing him to kiss me back regardless of the questions he has at the moment.

After pulling away we are both breathless and I start to caress his cheek. He presses his forehead against my own, mirroring our earlier intimacy. If only we could be a normal couple, one where the girlfriend doesn't have to reverse the boyfriend's memory.

I close my eyes and brace myself for what I need to do. "I enjoyed our date. It was fun despite the terrible choice of entertainment. I can't wait for our next date." I whisper in his ear.

I wait for his reaction, hoping that I did this right otherwise I might have a big problem. "I love you. Whatever happens you need to know that I will always love you." I tell just in case I failed at this reversing memory thing.

"Why does it sound like you are saying goodbye?" His tone is half serious but also playful. This is so my Sky. "Is this about the movie?"

I start to laugh, mostly in relief that I managed to change the direction of his thoughts. Wow, I can't believe it worked, I should hang out with Cassandra more often. "No I just want you to know that I love you."

"I love you too and that's saying a lot considering what a nightmare you are." He teases me even though he doesn't know how close to the truth he is and hopefully he never does. "Come on let's get you home. I don't want your dad to have an excuse to kill me."

"Like I would ever let anyone kill you." He doesn't know just how true these words are and that's okay, as long as he's safe and with me nothing else matters.

I wrap my arms around his waist and he protectively hooks his arm around my neck and together we walk back to the penthouse. We don't talk much during the walk but I try not to let it get to him. He's probably tired, I know I am. What a day I have had and I just want to forget it, well some parts. Despite all the bad things that happened today, it wasn't all bad. I got to see Sky twice today and we had sex for the second which was great. We went on our first today and even though we ended up in a fight, I would say it was perfect.

Sky kisses me goodbye in the penthouse garage. I want him to come up with me but he insists he needs to get home and considering what I put him through today I don't argue. He may not know it but he almost died because of me today and I know that if he knew  he would run as far as possible away from me and that can't happen.

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