Part 22 (Answers)

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    Bakugo grinned like a mad man. That was the exact answer he was looking for. He threw Mustards head back and crossed his arms.
"Who is it that you work for?" Bakugo started walking over to one of the walls. He leaned up against it as he looked at Mustard intensely.
"His name is Shigiraki. Though I'm pretty sure he's not the big boss. He's kind of like the heir or whatever. He recently stole from another mafia. I don't know the details about it. I swear. All I know is that they stole the goods and took it to the base." Mustard was at the verge of crying at this point. Probably scared for his sisters wellbeing. I watched from the sidelines not really sure what to do. I kind of wanted to stay and watch to see what happens though.
"And where the fuck would the base be?" Bakugo's patience was running low and Mustard wasn't being very descriptive. It was a bad mix.
"It's over on the west side at **** street, number 432. It's a small bar in an alleyway that nobody ever goes to. It has a garage area that we use for storage though." He was trembling at the threatening tone of Bakugo's voice. Bakugo simply nodded and started to walk towards the door. He turned around and faced Sero.
"Kill him." That instant was when Mustards world collapsed. I could tell by the way his head dropped and the tears started to fall slowly.
It was harsh of Bakugo to do this but it was necessary. What would Mustard have done when he got out? Would he have told the others in his group what happened? Surely they would've just moved the supplies they stole or even moved their whole base. Probably the later option.
   "W-wait n-no please! I-I have a family!" Mustard pleaded out as he struggled against the ropes tying him down to the chair. Bakugo looked back at me and gestured for me to follow him. Then he looked over at Sero and gave him a nod.
   I complied and followed Bakugo out of the room. I've seen people die before but it's not exactly my favorite thing.
    Bakugo shut the door behind me and we started to walk down the hall. I heard a gunshot about halfway down. Flinching slightly I look over at Bakugo. He continued to look straight forward, his face seemingly holding no emotion. Though I could tell it bothered him. He may not want to show it but the look in his eyes showed everything. He didn't want to kill him, he didn't want to leave that little girl to no one. He just had to do it for the better of the mafia.
   "You think you can get the format of the location he was talking about?" Bakugo glanced over at me as we walked into the main room. I gulped and nodded.
    "Yeah I can get that." I quickly run over to my computer. Sitting down I start to type in the address that Mustard had given us.
    Surely enough it was a bar located in an alleyway. I looked through a few things before I finally found the layout of the building. I sent it to everyone along with a message.

BroccoliBoy: Hey guys I got the layout for the bar. If you don't know what I'm talking about I'm sure someone will fill you in. Though you should probably study this and look at all the exits. Just in case something happens.

    After I sent it I looked over at Bakugo who was looking at his phone intensely. Probably looking at the text I just sent. I get up from the chair and walk over to him, sitting beside him on the couch.
    "What are you guys doing for the mission? You can't exactly waltz right in there." I lean back crossing my legs and looking over at Bakugo.
    "That's exactly what we're doing." Bakugo stands up and starts walking over to the gun wall. He grabs a pistol and starts loading it. I get up and follow him with a confused look.
    "What do you mean? You can't go in without a plan?!" I look at the gun in his hand with a bit of doubt. Everyone else walks into the room at this point.
    "That is the plan. I'm gonna go in there, kill everyone, then take my guns back." Bakugo turned towards the rest of the group.
    "Now get ready. Sero, you look at the layout and the surrounding area yet?" Mina, Kaminari, and Kirishima all start grabbing guns. Hitoshi kinda just watches in shock.
    "Yeah, it doesn't seem like there are any windows into the actual bar. It's underground. So it looks like I'm coming in with you guys." Sero walks over and grabs a gun. Hitoshi and I just stand there bewildered.
    This is their plan? Go in there guns blazing? This is so not a good idea.
    "What are you waiting for eyebags? Grab a fucking gun and lets go." Bakugo glares over at Hitoshi as he gestured towards the guns. Everyone else had already gotten a gun ready. Hitoshi rolls his eyes and goes to grab a gun. I glare over at him.
     "You're going with them? This is so reckless!" I cross my arms as I try to talk some sense into them. Hitoshi just shrugs as he loads a gun.
    "It's my job Midoriya. Not really my choice on wether I want to go or not." Hitoshi starts walking out along with the others. Bakugo stays behind staring at me with a determined look.
    "It's not like I'm going to die. I've done this multiple times before. Calm yourself down Deku." With that Bakugo walked out of the room. Leaving me there to think about what they're all about to do.
    What if you do die though? I've grown attached to you. As much as I hate to admit it.

Sorry it took so long to update! I hope you enjoyed this chapter anyways (:

~Total words 1017~

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