Part 10 (Old Acquaintances)

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We had just got back from changing at the house. I was wearing a nice vest and tie, with an undershirt and dress pants. Hitoshi was wearing something similar along with everyone else. We all looked well dressed.
It was around 10:55 and Bakugo was starting to get antsy. He said he wanted Kirishima and I to sit with him for the meeting. Only because I'm apparently super smart and Kirishima is his right hand man.
"It's only 10:55 Bakugo they still have five minutes calm down." I say leaning back on the couch.
We were sitting in the elevated VIP area. It had a large 'U' shaped couch surrounding a table. The VIP area was being guarded by Hitoshi and Kaminari.
The club was already bustling with people even if it opened only thirty minutes ago. The club opens at 10:30 so it's a little surprising for it to already be this full. It was a pretty popular club.
"Fucking half 'n half..." I heard Bakugo mutter.
My blood ran cold for a moment. He couldn't actually be meeting up with Todoroki could he? He's not even the leader yet...
Just as I was going through the possibilities of Todoroki actually being here he walks up to the VIP area. Instantly Hitoshi gives him a glare and stops him.
"This is VIP-" Hitoshi was quickly cut off though.
"He's fine let him through." Bakugo said waving him off.
"Tch.." Hitoshi steps to the side letting Todoroki through.
Todoroki gave a slight smug smirk to Hitoshi as he passed. Todoroki had the option to sit closer to Me or Kirishima. It wasn't surprising when he chose me.
"Nice to see you again Bakugo. Sorry that my father couldn't come he was busy." Todoroki said as he took a seat.
"Whatever half 'n half, let's just get down to business." Bakugo rolled his eyes as he spoke.
"Right, first though, why is Izuku with you?" Todoroki slightly pointed towards me with his elbows propped on the table.
"Hm? Deku? How do you know him?" Bakugo took a glance over at Todoroki and I with slight interest.
"Oh we're pretty good friends. We've known each other for quite a while now." Todoroki says shifting his eyes over at me with an expressionless look.
I slightly glare at Todoroki. Leaning forward I grab a glass and poor some whiskey in it.
"We aren't really friends Todoroki." I say glancing up at him.
"Oh? Is that right? Then what would you call us? Ex's?" Todoroki leans in closer to me as he speaks.
"An old acquaintance." I don't move away from him I just continue to glare.
"Todoroki, why don't we get to business?" Bakugo clears his throat getting our attention.
Todoroki leans back to his original spot smirking slightly. I had to look away from him. The hatred boiling up inside was too much I couldn't bare the sight.
I think Bakugo noticed how angry I was getting or at least how uncomfortable I was. He kept side glancing me.
"Hey Deku, can you go and let Mina know I want a bottle of scotch?" Bakugo raises an eyebrow as he speaks and points towards Mina with his thumb.
"Yeah." I looked up at Todoroki who nicely got out of the booth so I could get out.
At least he wasn't so much of a dick to make me climb over him. Who am I kidding if this wasn't a meeting he would've made me.
I slowly made my way over to Mina. Trying to waste as much time possible. I made sure to take the long route and be super slow. When I actually got there I was kind of sad.
"Hey Mina, can I have a bottle of scotch for the table?" I say giving a slight smile.
"Yeah sure, though Bakugo texted me. He said there was something up with you and that Todoroki guy? What's going on?" Mina says as she grabs a bottle.
I silently curse to myself. Why the hell does Bakugo care? He probably doesn't, just being a nosey ass.
"Why does it matter?" I say trying to grab the bottle but she takes it away.
"Because, we're all a team now. We can't keep secrets." Mina says holding one finger up.
"I'll tell you when we get back. It's kind of a long story. Just give me the damn bottle." I say snatching at it.
"Fine here you go." She finally gives it to me.
"Thanks." I say leaving with a wave.
I take the same long route back. Making sure to be just as slow. To be honest I almost dropped the bottle a couple times, there were people dancing everywhere. It was kind of a hassle.
When I finally got back Todoroki got up again so I could get through. I placed the bottle on the table and leaned back on the couch. Bakugo gave me an interested look. I just looked away.
"Anyways I'm sure that, that concludes everything." Bakugo props his elbows on the table as he talks.
"Yeah I guess it does." Todoroki gives his usual expressionless look as he speaks.
He starts to get up but places something beside me. It was a piece of paper folded up.
"Give me a call." He whispers as he winks and walks away.
I shutter a little at the thought of it. I quickly take the paper and crumple it up before putting it in my pocket.
"What was that all about?" Kirishima says leaning over the table to look at me.
"It was nothing." I say as I pour a glass of scotch.
"You fucked half 'n half?" Bakugo blurts our chuckling a little bit.
I freeze a little bit. I look down at the glass of scotch I was holding. I couldn't get this overwhelming feeling of anger to leave the pit of my stomach.
"No we never did anything like that." I twirl the glass in my hand as I lean on one of my hands.
"Didn't you guys date though?" Kirishima says getting curious.
"I guess but, it wasn't really a relationship." Izuku drinks the scotch and pours another glass.
"Then what was it?" Bakugo says now interested.
"It was more like me just having to tell him no all the time and him still trying to you know.... do it. I just wasn't ready." I say now a little tipsy since I'm a light weight.
"What do you mean?" Kirishima leans in more on the table.
"I mean he doesn't take no for an answer. That was our whole relationship. All he wanted was sex and all I wanted was love. That was our whole relationship. It was-" I finally realize what I'm saying and snap my mouth shut.
"I'm going out to the car let me know when we're leaving." Sighing I get up from the table leaving.

Some backstory for you it's not complete tho (:

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