Part 20 (Mind Games)

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We pulled up in the parking lot at the back of the base. Kirishima got out of the car first and walked over to Mustards side of the car. He opened the car and gave Mustard a friendly smile.
"Let's go inside alright bro." He grabbed mustard and pulled him out of the car. Bakugo got out of the car and followed the two into the mansion. I watched as the three went in from the drivers seat.
I could tell that Mustard was terrified. He was shaking and sweating. At this point we had put a blindfold on Mustard just in case anything went wrong along with bound his hands. That way he has no idea where he is and couldn't escape. Not only was he scared he was blind and trapped.
I got out of the car with a sigh, slamming the car door behind me. Tonight was going to be a long one and I could tell it was just getting started.
I walk into the base to see Bakugo pulling and yelling at Mustard to follow him into another room. Obviously since Mustard still couldn't see he was having trouble following Bakugos orders as to follow him. I roll my eyes and go up to Mustard kindly grabbing onto his arm and swatting Bakugo's hand away from him.
"Let me take him there. You want him in here right?" I point to the room Bakugo was trying to bring Mustard into with my thumb. As I'm still holding onto one of Mustards arms in the process. Bakugo grunts in annoyance.
"Yeah. Take him in there. Shitty hair will help tie the bastard up." With that Bakugo stomps away. Probably off to complain to the others.
I carefully drag Mustard into the other room. I could tell it had been used for this kind of job before. The walls and floors were cement, painted with red everywhere, not to mention it reeked of blood. In the middle of the room was a single chair. Probably for whoever is in the room at the time it's being used.
Kirishima grabs Mustard from under his arm as I'm taking in the rooms 'decor'. He drags him over to the chair and sits him down. Kirishima walks off to another part of the room to grab something.
"W-What's going on? Will s-someone please fill me in?" He looks as if he's trembling in his shoes. Kirishima comes over with some rope in his hands. He starts wrapping Mustard around in the rope and to the chair. Mustard flinches at this and starts to struggle against Kirishima.
"I wouldn't fight back if I were you. Surely you don't want the boss to come back in here and get mad." Kirishima tightens the rope a little as he speaks to Mustard. Seeing Kirishima so menacing was really kind of scary. Who knew this happy go lucky guy was so terrifying.
Mustard instantly stopped struggling at the mention of Bakugo getting angry again. Kirishima walked away as soon as he finished with the rope. Walking over to stand next to me who was currently leaning up against the wall watching the scene unfold.
"We don't think we'll need you but who knows. We might need to do some good cop bad cop on him. So far you've been the good cop." Kirishima leans down and whispers into my ear, shielding his mouth from Mustard as he speaks. I shiver at the thought of having to be involved with this. I heard a little bit of Bakugo and Kirishimas conversation earlier in the bar.
They were talking about beating the truth out of someone. Maybe even letting Kaminari take a few goes at them. I didn't really know what that meant until Kirishima said something about electrification. I thought they called him pikachu because of the little lightning bolt in his hair. Not because of that.
I sigh and turn towards Kirishima. He was looking down at me with a confused expression. I would assume it's because I looked absolutely disgusted with the idea of torture and I'm literally in line to be a mafia boss.
"I'm not really interested in being a part of this. Though if you really need me I guess there's nothing I can do about it. This is something I'm gonna have to get used to." I glance over at Mustard who is tied up to the chair with a blind fold on. His head was hanging low, looking as if he was about to cry at any moment. I could tell he was holding onto something.
     Maybe he's hoping the LOV will come to get him. No, I doubt that's it. He doesn't seem like he's that high on the totem pole to be of high enough priority to be saved, and I think he knows that. Maybe he's holding onto the hope he'll see someone again... a family member? A lover? A friend?
"Hey Midobro you're mumbling." Kirishima taps on my shoulder bringing me back to reality. I take my hand off my chin and look up at him.
"Oh sorry. I think-" Bakugo opens the door quietly and walks in. A murderous aura following him. He cracked his knuckles as he walked over to Kirishima and I.
"I want you to find out everything you can about our friend over there-" Bakugo turns and glares at Mustard with a malicious smile on his face. Mustard tenses up at the pressure of someone staring at him with such evil intent. Bakugo starts to speak a little louder, making sure Mustard hears every word.
"I want friends, family, lovers, everyone, everything. Don't leave anything out. Anyone he's ever met I want you to find out their names and the relation. Got that Deku?" Bakugo makes sure to emphasize my nickname. Mustard tenses up even more at the sound of it. Which makes me wonder what kind of work he does for the LOV exactly to have known my name. Not only to know my name but to tense up like that. I decided to leave a little parting gift for Mustard to make him panic even more. Might as well help Bakugo and Kirishima a little.
"No problem Bakugo." I do a little fake salute and walk out of the room. I notice out the corner of my eye that Mustard was shaking and tears were coming out from under the blindfold.
Well he knows who Bakugo is. Then he at least knows what he's in for.

Hope you enjoyed it! (:

~Total words 1098~

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