Part 19 (The Art Of Seduction)

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I tried a little bit of a different style while writing this chapter. When the writing is in this font it means it's the persons train of thought or just thought idk. I hope you understand what I'm saying (:

    On the ride here Bakugo gave us a run down on the information he had collected. He apparently got some names of some people who are in the LOV. Kirishima and I were told to keep the look out for people with these names.
    As I'm looking around I'm obviously eavesdropping. What else am I supposed to do? Bakugo and Kirishima were talking about what they're gonna do when they actually find someone from the league. It wasn't a very pleasant conversation to say the least.
    I'm listening to a particular conversation between a dark yellow haired guy and the bartender a couple seats down. The bartender seemed to know the guy well. Maybe he's a regular? That's when I heard one of the names Bakugo mentioned. The guy the bartender was talking to was named Mustard. I listened in closer to their conversation.
    "Yeah, you know I'm just looking for someone to bring home again." The guy named mustard sat with his elbows leaning forward on the bar top. His attention focused towards the bartender who seemed to be making him a drink at this time.
     "You're always looking to bring someone home Mustard, though it doesn't seem to ever work out." The bartender chuckled, giving Mustard his drink. Mustard grabs the drink with a sigh. 
    So this guy is Mustard? I've heard the bartender call him it twice. The chances of him being the Mustard from the LOV are pretty high. Considering the name Mustard isn't that common.
    I turn my attention to Bakugo. Swiveling my swirly stool towards his direction. I still had my soda in both my hands and sipping it out of a straw. To be honest I looked like a child. I took a long sip before talking to Bakugo.
    "Bakugo, I think I found someone from the league." I held the soda in my lap as I kicked my feet on the stool. Bakugo looked at me from Kirishima with a raised eyebrow.
    "Are you sure? How do you know?" Bakugo puts his glass down and faces me. Kirishima popped his head from Bakugo's side to try and see me as I spoke.
     "Well the guy a couple seats down is named Mustard. It's not a very common name." I twirl my straw almost entranced by my soda. Bakugo looks at Kirishima and Kirishima shrugs. Bakugo takes a sip from his glass as he takes a look at Mustard.
    "What should we do Bakugo?" Kirishima places both hands on the bar top looking at Bakugo with urgency. Bakugo looks back at Kirishima as he put his glass back down.
    "Deku what else do you know? Only his name or what?" Bakugo looked over at me who was currently sipping on their soda as if it was a sippy cup.
    "Well I heard that he's just here to hook up with someone. It also looks like he's a regular here and knows the bartender. Other than that I don't know." I put down my now empty soda on the bar top. Kirishima pops his head around Bakugo again.
    "What if you try to seduce him? Try to get him out of the club and in the car then we put a gun up to his head." Kirishima put his hand into a gun shape and acts as if he's pulling the trigger. Bakugo shakes his head as he waves his hand in the air.
     "No, no, no. Deku is not doing that. He'll get kidnapped or something again." I didn't listen to Bakugo. I was already on my way over to Mustard with my best flirtatious facade on.
     I take a seat beside and ask the waiter for an actual alcoholic drink. I take a few glances at Mustard to try and get his attention. He seems to notice and turns to me.
    "Hello, what're you doing here tonight?" Mustard leans on one side of the bar top. I look over at him with a slight smile.
    "I was bored. Not much has been happening recently you know~?" I stir the little umbrella in my glass as I side glance him. I then turn to him putting one hand on his tie. I tighten his tie making it look as if I was fixing it.
    "Though you look like you'd be entertaining~" I look up from my tie and up at his eyes. He looked a little shocked but was overall pleased. I had a slight smile on me face.
    "Well then why don't I buy you a drink?" Mustard starts to wave over the bartender but I stop him. I shake my head no.
    "Why don't we skip all the formalities? Let's just get out of here yeah~?" I get up from my seat and start walking away. Surely enough he grabs his coat and starts to follow after.
    We walk out to the car and I get into the drivers side. He gets into the passengers side without hesitation.
    "We going to your place or mine?" He puts a hand on my thigh and starts to rub it. Before I can even answer Bakugo pops up from behind the passenger seat and puts a gun up to his head.
     "Let's go back to mine." Bakugo says with a sneer. Kirishima pops up from behind the drivers cracking his neck.
    "Damn it was really cramped back there." He starts stretching before getting into the actual backseat. Mustard had a confused expression and looked to me for answers.
    "What's going on?" He glared over at my way as he threw his hands in the air after being threatened with a gun. I yawned and started to pull out of the parking lot.
    "You're involved with The League Of Villains correct?" I glance over at him as I drive. He shifts in his seat uncomfortably.
   "N-no. I-i don't know what that is." He looks between Kirishima, Bakugo, and I. Bakugo rolled his eyes and pushed the gun right up against his head.
    "We know you're lying you bastard!" Mustard flinches and tries to back away from Bakugo. I just continue to drive. Kirishima watches everything, making sure Bakugo doesn't actually shoot him.
     "Don't worry, we'll know soon enough." Kirishima looks at him with a somewhat malicious grin. It was kind of creepy. I don't think I've ever seen this side of Kirishima.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! (:

~Total words 1105~

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