Part 9 (Surprise Meeting)

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Very important message at the end (:

Hitoshi and I walked out to the front of the house. There were two cars sitting in the loop waiting. Bakugo was sitting in one with Kaminari in the front. Kirishima was in the drivers seat in the other one with the rest of the crew piled in.
"Guess we're going with our 'roomies'!" Hitoshi says saying 'roomies' with a girly voice.
"Let's just get in." I say laughing a little.
We climb into the back of the car. Bakugo looks at me through the mirror. I look away quickly still kind of embarrassed from earlier.

Hitoshi POV

"Man it's so cool to have a roommate! Don't you think guys!?" Kaminari says looking back from his seat.
"You literally slept on the couch last night." I say with a slight smile.
"Yeah, but we got to talk before that! It was fun!" Kaminari says smiling.
"Y-you, don't make any sense." I say blushing a little from his bright smile.
Kaminari really confuses me. He has such a positive outlook on the world. Even after I kicked him out of the room for talking too much, he still looks at it positively. He looks at it as a time we bonded. It's.... refreshing, having someone around that isn't so gloomy all the time.
Maybe that's why I agreed to come today. I actually want to be around his positivity. Even if I don't like to go to clubs and stuff. I'm willing to do it to see some more of this happiness.
"Aw come on Shinso! Lighten up! I got to learn a lot about you last night!" He says while tilting his head and smiling.
"I didn't really say anything." I lean my head on the window as we talk.
"You talked enough! Either way it gave me vibes you know?" Kaminari says making weird squiggly hand gestures when he said 'vibes'.
"Vibes? What vibes did I give you?" I say side glancing him from the window.
"All I can tell you, is they're good vibes." Kaminari said before facing the front again.
I rolled my eyes as I turned towards the window again. What does he mean by vibes? Good vibes? I guess that means I'm good.....right?

Izuku POV

   We pull up at the club that I am much too familiar with. Bakugo and Kaminari get out of the car but I pull at Hitoshis sleeve to stay in for a minute.
"What is it?" Hitoshi says concerned.
"Well, the last time I was here I... kind of got harassed.... I just um... it brought back some memories....can you... stay by my side?" I rub the back of my neck as I look down.
"Of course Izuku. Nobody is gonna hurt you while I'm around." Hitoshi places a hand on my shoulder while smiling a reassuring smile.
"Thanks." I smile back at him.
"Are you two coming?!" Kaminari knocks on the car window as he yells through it.
Hitoshi rolls his eyes as he opens the door. We both get out making our way to the club entrance. It took about 45 minutes to get there so it was around 12:15.
"Have you ever been here Shinso?" Kaminari asks as we walk towards the entrance.
"I've only been to a few clubs and this one isn't one of them so, no." Hitoshi says opening the door and walking in.
    When we walk in Mina, Kirishima, and Sero were already setting the place up. It seemed as though Sero and Mina were bartenders. They were behind the bar looking through some of the bottles and reassembling some of them.
    Kirishima was going around the exits. Checking to make sure they weren't blocked so that people could make a quick escape in case of an emergency.
   Bakugo was already making his way up to the office. Probably to do some kind of paperwork.
    "You guys can just chill if you want. Since you're new." Kaminari says as he runs over to help Kirishima.
    Hitoshi sighs as he takes a seat on one of the couches. I sit next to him and lean back.
    "What do you think of everything so far?" Hitoshi asks me as he looks around.
    "I'm not too sure. I can't exactly say I trust them yet." I say glancing at each of them.
    "I understand that. I don't either. I don't like that Bakugo ass either." Hitoshi scoffs as he props his elbows on his knees.
    "Yeah he is kind of an ass. Though I think I could get some good information out of his office. Maybe I should pay him a visit?" I put my finger on my chin thinking.
    "Why do you need information? We're just here to work. Don't make things more complicated." Hitoshi glares over at me as if scolding a child.
    "Whatever..." I stick my tongue out at him.
    "Listen I just don't want to make any trouble for dad and papa. If we start a war between mafias dad surely won't be happy." Hitoshi sighs.
    "The only reason he would be angry is because he wouldn't get to nap as much." I chuckle a little.
    "Yeah you're right." Hitoshi leans back smiling at me.
    "Hey did Bakugo fill you guys in on tonight's plans?" Kirishima comes over with a bottle of whiskey in his hand.
    "Uh, no? What plans?" I decline the whiskey waving my hand and shaking my head no.
    "Seriously he didn't tell you? You want some Shinso?" Kirishima grabs a glass for Shinso when he shakes his head yes.
    "What's going on tonight?" Hitoshi asks taking the glass of whiskey Kirishima just poured him. (Btw they're probably always going to be drinking whiskey bc I'm not educated in alcohol)
    "Well we're supposed to be meeting with some other mafia. Bakugo is supposed to be talking to the leader about selling some guns." Kirishima says sitting on the couch that wraps around in a 'U' shape so, he faced us.
    "Why weren't we told about this? We would've dressed nicer." I say irritated.
"Well we're probably gonna run back to the house before it all starts. Since it starts at around 11:00. So we didn't want anyone to be wearing an uncomfortable suit for too long." Kirishima sips on his whiskey.
"I guess that makes sense." Shinso takes a sip as well.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter (:

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