Part 5 (Chat Room)

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"Did what?" Hitoshi asks jumping back a little from my sudden burst of energy.
"I got into a hidden chat room. It's where a bunch of people go when they're looking for info." I say as I look through the chat room.
"These people just give out this information for free?" Hitoshi says looking at the screen suspiciously.
"Sometimes. Other times you have to pay or you have to threaten them." I say as I start typing into the chat room.
"How do you threaten someone on a chat room?" He says scoffing a little.
"By hacking into their system. If you hack them a little and show them what you can do they'll get scared of how much you can damage their computer. Possibly what kind of information you can get out of their computer." I say as I continue to type into the computer.
Hitoshi nods his head trying to process just how scary the Internet is. I continue to look through the chat room trying to find someone who might have the info I need.
"This guy looks promising....RevelryInTheDark12..." I say as I start to pm him.
"I'll come back later when you're not doing your weird nerdy shit." Hitoshi says as he gets up to leave.
"Ok! See you later." I say waving with one hand and typing with the other.
Hitoshi leaves and I start to message the guy.
GreenBunny: 'I saw in the chat room that you know quite a bit about what goes on in the streets?'
Not even a minute later I get a message back. I had to give it to him he was efficient.
RevelryInTheDark12: 'Depends who's asking and how much they're paying.'
GreenBunny: 'Well I'm someone looking for information on the Red Shinigami. We can talk payment after I see just how much information you have.'
RevelryInTheDark12: 'I'll just let you know right now that if I don't receive payment that all your info will be leaked.'
GreenBunny: 'Sounds fair enough. Now what do you have on them?'
RevelryInTheDark12: 'The Red Shinigami tend to keep things under wraps. Though if you have the right connections you can get quite a lot of info. They're known for leaving a bloody trail wherever they go but, I'm sure you already know that. What I'm sure you want to know more about is the people in it right?'
GreenBunny: 'Preferably Bakugo Katsuki.'
RevelryInTheDark12: 'I don't even want to know what you want this info for.... Though surely it's for nothing good... Anyways, Bakugo Katsuki is the leader of the Red Shinigami. He's 24, has ash blonde hair, and is about 6,1. (Yes I changed it deal with it)'
    GreenBunny: 'I don't need to know anything about his looks. More like his skill set and his personality.'
    RevelryInTheDark12: 'He's well trained in guns, hand to hand combat, and manipulation. He grew up in a mafia household so he was taught these things from a young age. He's known as aggressive and hotheaded. Though he's also known to be level headed when in a mission along with being a good leader. Some people say when he's in a mission or a meeting he's a completely different person than when he's not.'
    GreenBunny: 'Is he known to be an asshole?'
    RevelryInTheDark12: 'Not sure why you'd want to know this, but yeah. I guess you could say he's an ass.'
    GreenBunny: 'Thanks for the info. How much do you want?'
    RevelryInTheDark12: 'Since it was just basic info not that much but I'll have to add some since it was info on a mafia boss. If someone like that ever found out I was selling info on him I'd surely get killed. So how about 1k?
    GreenBunny: 'That sounds fair. Send me the details and I'll send the money.'

   I ended up giving the guy the money. He did give me some useful information. Plus he wasn't lying when he said Bakugo would probably kill him if he found out about him.
    I got up from my seat stretching a bit. I remembered that Hitoshi wanted to talk to me. I get up after I turned off and did a few security checks on my computer. Can never be too safe after going on the dark web.
   "Hey Hitoshi?" I say knocking on his door.
   "Come in!" He yells through the door.
   I walk in the room. I see Hitoshi on his bed reading a book with one of the many cats we have. I go and take a seat on the side of the bed.
   "What'd you want earlier?" I say petting the cat named Latte.
   "Well I just wanted to talk to you about the whole thing with the Red Shinigami." Hitoshi says closing his book.
   "Oh. You mean the situation we're in because of that ass Bakugo?" I say groaning a little.
   "Yeah I guess you could say that." Hitoshi says sitting up.
   "What do you want to talk about, about it?" I say looking at him a bit confused.
   "Well I just wanted to know your plan." He says looking at me with his usual tired eyes.
    "I don't really have one yet. We don't have all the details. Though I think the call dad got earlier was Bakugo or someone from the Red Shinigami. Hopefully by tomorrow we'll know what the arrangements are." I say as I continue to pet the cat.
    "Yeah I guess you're right. I just find this all to be a huge inconvenience. I could be staying home and hanging out with the cats. Instead I have to go with some arrogant ass I don't know." Hitoshi says with a sigh.
   "Yeah I'm not exactly excited either." I say sighing as well.
   "You should go get some sleep. Don't want you tired. Who knows when we'll be leaving. We might be leaving tomorrow." Hitoshi said jokingly.
   I roll my eyes as I get up from his bed. I open his door and turn around to face him again.
   "Hey at least we'll be doing it together." I say with a slight smile.
   "Yeah. If you weren't gonna be there I would probably end up killing someone." He says with a snicker.
   I roll my eyes again and leave. I walk down the hall back to my room. I go back into my room making my way straight to my bed.
   'At least I have my bed.' I quickly drift off to sleep as I lay there.

   I had already woken up and taken a shower. I'm wearing a black and green sweater with a white button up underneath, black jeans, black combat boots, a dark red beanie, and a pair of thinly rimmed glasses.

   I'm currently arguing with my papa and dad

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   I'm currently arguing with my papa and dad. Hitoshi was there too though he was just sitting on the couch with an expression mixed with annoyance and exhaustion.
   "What do you mean we are leaving today?!" I yelled.

Hope you liked this UwU

~Total words 1163~

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